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College of Information and Communications

College of Information and Communications

Faculty Interests and Expertise

Our faculty are committed to scholarship in the field and the generation of new knowledge through a variety of research activities. 

Much of our faculty and graduate student research falls under the following three broad topic areas: Data, Media & Society; Diversity & Social Justice; and Strategic Communication. See below for more information about specific faculty expertise and read about our Groups and Centers to learn more about opportunities for collaboration with/in the CIC.  

Shannon Bowen
Artificial Intelligence ethics; AI warfare; ethical decision making; futurism; strategy; government and public relations; leadership; internal communication; issues management; misinformation, and disinformation; innovation; Immanuel Kant, deontology
Nina Brook
educational technology; writing instruction
Kenneth Campbell
First Amendment legal history; media coverage of lynchings; representation of African Americans in the media including news, advertising and entertainment programming; collective memory and framing; cultivation analysis
Shirley Staples Carter
women and leadership; diversity issues in journalism and mass communication higher education; multicultural images in the media
Mónica Colón-Aguirre
information behaviors of Spanish speakers; academic library administration; community engagement in libraries; LIS education; DEI in LIS; services for diverse users; social justice in information science
Nicole Cooke
human information behavior; fake news consumption and resistance; critical cultural information studies; diversity and social justice in librarianship (with an emphasis on infusing them into LIS education and pedagogy)
Clayton Copeland
equity of access to information for underserved populations; literacy; facilities planning; information behavior
Kelly Davis
public health policy; corporate social responsibility; ethics in public relations practice
Candice Edrington
strategic communication; social movements; visual rhetoric; social networks; activism and advocacy; social media; racial and ethnic groups through a public relations lens. 
Jabari Evans
creative industries and the innovation economy; connected learning; digital media literacy; Black communication and technology; digital inequity; hip-hop culture and civic media, social media entertainment and creator culture
Scott Farrand
publication; print design; visual communication; informational graphics
Mary Anne Fitzpatrick
Impact of media and information technology on development, maintenance and deterioration of social and personal relationships and media effects on children and family mediation strategies
Valerie Byrd Fort
family literacy; community literacy; school libraries; children’s literature; youth services programming
Darin Freeburg
knowledge management, knowledge work, information behavior, public libraries, information literacy
Sabrina Habib
the creative process, creative advertising education, and the intersection of creativity and technology in higher education; visual communication of complex issues
Haley Hatfield
Virtual environments, immersive communication, media effects, information systems, Whiteness, systemic racism, community based participatory research, environmental justice, visual communications 
Kevin Hull
sports broadcasting; business of television news; how athletes communicate with fans and media
Jungmi Jun
health communication focusing on control of cancer, tobacco, and other substance use; Anti-Asian biases and communicative coping of racism; mixed-methods
Dick Kawooya
the role of intellectual property in fostering innovation; the role and impact of intellectual property rights in the exchange of innovation between formal institutions and informal businesses or sectors in Africa; the ethical and legal barriers to information access
Sei-Hill Kim
the intersection of the media and social issues; how issues are presented in the media and the effects on the audiences; public health; science; politics; public relations
Vanessa Kitzie
information practices; health; lgbtqia communities; social informatics
Van Kornegay
visual communications; international journalism
Elise Lewis
cultural institutions; service-learning; information literacy
Jacob Long
Political communication; social identity; public opinion; stability and change; research methodology
Carmen Maye
the intersection of law and expression; commercial speech; intellectual property; access; role of visual communications in shaping public policy
Lyda Fontes McCartin
academic librarian behavior and academic librarian-faculty relationships, disconnect between library and information science education practice, pedagogical metacognition in higher education
Denise McGill
photojournalism with a focus on migration, faith and multicultural issues
Ehsan Mohammadi
data analytics, webometrics, social media, scholarly communication, science of science, research evaluation
Tara Mortensen
visual communication; media sociology; de-professionalization of visual journalism; amateur photography; user-generated visual content
David Moscowitz
cultural identity + politics, diversity and intercultural/intergroup/international media, film and media criticism, gender and the body, public and visual culture 
Alamir Novin
Artificial intelligence, cognitive science, data science, cybersecurity, network analysis, communication, information science.
Jason Porter

animation, motion design, post production, content creation, augmented reality, virtual reality, interactive literacy

Marcia Purday
integrated strategic communications, including advertising, public relations, telecommunications, manufacturing, nonprofits, K-12 schools, universities, government organizations; social media including Google Ad certifications; internal communications in organizations; crisis communications; media relations; speech writing and publishing
Susan Rathbun-Grubb
the intersection of education, training, and careers in library and information science; career progression across the life course; job satisfaction; the evaluation of pedagogical strategies in library and information science education
Tom Reichert
advertising and media content and effects; issues and concerns regarding the uses and effects of advertising on professional practice and culture; political communication
Brett Robertson
disaster preparedness, environmental communication, natural disasters, organizational communication, risk communication, social media
Mahmudul Robin
human behavior analysis, anomaly detection, data mining, chronic disease diagnosis, bioinformatics, and health informatics using advanced machine learning techniques
Eric Robinson
media law and policy, particularly involving the internet and social and other new media
Ryan Rucker
online course design; technology adoption;  use of instructional technologies; education pedagogies
Lena Sadiwskyj
writing and producing,  journalism trends, editorial app creation, TV News management
Laura Smith
electronic journalism in the 21st century; multi-platform journalism and convergence; newsroom practices, processes, structure and influences, representation issues & news diversity; FCC media ownership policy and media consolidation; journalism education & pedagogy
Jenna Spiering
school libraries; adolescent literacies; critical youth studies; children’s and young adult literature; graphic novels
Wesley Stevens
the commodification of Black identity; creative economies and influencers; social media platforms and algorithms; activism and discourse in digital spaces
Kim M. Thompson
information poverty; information access; social information behavior and practices; belonging and inclusion in the library and information science workplace
Feili Tu-Keefner
health information services; consumer health literacy; medical informatics; health sciences librarianship; virtual information/reference services; and the use of social media, information technology, and the Internet to deliver high-quality health information and services to health professionals and the general public
Damion Waymer
DEI, organizational rhetoric, public relations, crisis communication, corporate social responsibility, corporate social advocacy, branding and strategic communication
Taylor Wen
role of mood and emotions in persuasion related to brand advertising, health and risk communications, and digital media; psychophysiological measurement of emotions; visual attention and memory; consumer psychology
Jeff Williams
AI usage in the advertising industry, SEO, advertising production technologies, digital marketing, documentary filmmaking
Linwan Wu
advertising psychology, communication technology, persuasion, consumer behavior and strategic communication


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