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College of Information and Communications

Director's Message

Remaining a premiere institution for journalism and mass communication training, teaching and research is our current top priority.  Becoming nationally recognized as one of the top schools of journalism and mass communication in the country is our aspirational goal for the J-school’s second century. We want to be known by our peer institutions, state legislature, leading industry agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and top news and media organizations for research innovation and for preparing highly skilled, work-ready professionals. This drive to improve shapes our vision as we bring closure to our first 100 years.

Damion Waymer
Damion Waymer, director, School of Journalism and Mass Communications

The future vision of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of South Carolina is firmly rooted in the past and present. For years, we have provided students with hands-on skills that prepare them for the industry. We have also provided students with firm foundations in conceptual knowledge and research abilities. By bridging practice and research, we have prepared and continue to prepare the next generation of mass communication practitioners to understand how and why certain communication efforts are more successful than others. We also equip them with conceptual knowledge that they can draw upon to evaluate which communication efforts should or should not be used in a variety of situations and contexts.  This mission and these values are foundational. They will not change.

As technology continues to evolve, part of our vision is to be ahead of trends, remain cutting edge — continually learning the strengths and weaknesses of these new applications and imparting that knowledge to the next generation of mass communication practitioners. Today we are offering programs in areas such as data and communication and social and emerging media. Tomorrow, we will demonstrate expertise in artificial intelligence and whatever yet-to be created or discovered innovation on the horizon. We strive to be more than just reactionary or relevant. Rather, we strive to set journalism and mass communication trends in training, education and research.

Our vision for the future is rooted in 100 years of success and growth as an institution. We will always be committed to journalism and mass communication practice and research. This is our anchor, our North Star. It is this anchoring foundation that will allow us to explore boldly the outermost limits of communication innovation and technology. We venture into new domains in hopes of better preparing journalism and mass communication practitioners for industry and advancing knowledge in these fields. Knowing this gives our other second century pursuits meaning and our vision and mission true purpose. Onward!

Damian Waymer signature

Damion Waymer
SJMC Director

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.