Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Exploring Immigrant Construction Workers and Stakeholders’ Health and Safety Communication
Needs in the Workplace
PI: Viviana Zambrano Rodriguez
School: SJMC
Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Ethical Dilemmas and Legal Issues Concerning Self-Driving Cars: An Analysis of Public
Opinion and Mediated Public Discourses
PI: Seihill Kim
School: SJMC
Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Wordification - research-based, AI-driven spelling game
PI: Sabrina Habib
School: SJMC
Sponsor: IMLS
Title: Extending School Librarian Preparation Through Transitional Mentorship with Early
Career School Librarians
PI: Jenna Spiering
School: iSchool
Sponsor: IMLS
Title: Leveraging National Library Partnerships to Develop a Community-Driven Online LGBTQIA+
Consumer Health Guide
PI: Vanessa Kitzie
School: iSchool
Sponsor: IMLS
Title: Project Library PREPARE: Planning, Response, Emergency Preparedness, and Resilience
PI: Feili Tu-Keefner (PI), Brett Robertson (Co-PI)
School: iSchool
Sponsor: International Development Research Centre - University of Cape Town, South Africa
Title: Fostering Information and Knowledge Access in the Digital Environment: A Situational
Analysis of Legal-regulatory Frameworks in ARIPO Region
PI: Dick Kawooya
School: iSchool
Sponsor: ALA
Title: A Resource Guide for Equitable Access to Information for Blind, Visually-Impaired,
and Print Disabled Students
PI: Clayton Copeland
School: iSchool
Sponsor: ALA
Title: Leveraging LIS Research Insights to Support LGBTQIA+ Communities
PI: Vanessa Kitzie
School: iSchool
Sponsor: ASPIRE: Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: Immersive Learning with Virtual Reality Serious Games in iSchool
PI: Rachel Williams
School: iSchool
Sponsor: USC Excel Funding Program
Title: Creating a Framework with Service Guidelines and Professional Toolkits for Disaster
Information Services for Libraries
PI: Feili Tu-Keefner
School: iSchool
Sponsor: USC Racial Justice and Equity Research Fund
Title: Exploring Black Public Relations Professionals’ Lived Experiences in the PR Industry
PI: Damion Waymer and Candace Edrington
School: SJMC
Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President of Research
Title: Magellan - DeSimone - The Imbalance of Influence When Science Becomes Political:
Comparing the Vaccine Communication Strategies of Health Experts and Politicians on
Social Media
PI: Jungm Wu
School: SJMC
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Title: Where We Live: Local and Place Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Underserved
Rural Communities
Co-PI: Brett Robertson
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: Equitable Access for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Print-Disabled (BVIPD) Students
in Online Learning: A Study of BVIPD Services Among Southeastern Conference (SEC)
PI: Dick Kawooya and Clayton Copeland
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Full STEAM (and Social Studies) Ahead with TPS Grant Training in South Carolina
Co-PI: Jenna Spiering, Liz Harnett, Christine Shelek, and Valerie Byrd Fort
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: Identity-Based Routines in the Public Library: Structuring the Workplace to Better
Support Staff with Diverse Identities
PI: Darin Freeburg
School: Information Science
Sponsor: USC Big Data Health Science Center
Title: Global Conversations on "Tobacco Harm Reduction" on Twitter: The Big Tobacco's Involvement
and Interference with Tobacco Control Across Countries
PI: Jungmi Jun
School: SJMC
Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Equitable Access for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Print-Disabled (BVIPD) Students
in Online Learning: A Pilot Study of BVIPD Services at the
Co-PI: Dick Kawooya, Clayton Copeland, and Eric Robinson
School: Information Science and SJMC
Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Foster Parent Associations’ Social Media Communication and Its Impact on Foster Parents
Co-PI: Anli Xiao, Yanfeng Xu (Social Work) and Linwan Wu
School: SJMC
Title: Creating a Sustainable and Sharable Disaster Information Services Repository Website
PI: Feili Tu-Keefner
School: Information Science
Sponsor: USC Excel Funding
Title: Aware: Increasing Media Literacy and Social Emotional Learning through Micro-credentialing
Co-PI: Kenneth Vogler (Education) and Vanessa Kitzie
School: Information Science
Sponsor: AEJMC
Title: Cancer Communication Ecologies of Asian Americans in the United States
Co-PI: Jungmi Jun and Ali Zain (Ph.D. student)
School: SJMC
Sponsor: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Weather Service
Title: Addressing Geographical and Social Diversity in Heat-Health Messaging
Co-PI: Brett Robertson
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Title: The Practice Model for an Equitable Workplace Transition Program (EWTP): Disability
and Neurodiversity
Co-PI: Kim M. Thompson
School: Information Science
Sponsor: ASPIRE II: Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: Automatic and personalized identification of smoking using smartwatches
Co-PI: Jun Jungmi
School: SJMC:
Sponsor: Center for Teaching Excellence
Title: Innovative Pedagogy Grant
PI: Jabari Evans
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Center for Teaching Excellence
Title: Innovative Pedagogy Grant
PI: Mani Robinson
School: SJMC
Sponsor: EBSCO Information Services
Title: Community Action Toolkit (CAT) in Support of Diverse Library Collections & High-Quality
Educational Materials
PI: Lucy Santos Green
School: iSchool
Sponsor: American Library Association / Carnegie Whitney Grants
Title: Equity, Social Justice, and Critical Race Theory in Librarianship: A Bibliography
and Toolkit
Co-PIs: Nicole Cooke, Cearra Harris
School: iSchool
Sponsor: American Library Association / Carnegie Whitney Grants
Title: The Rainbow Connection; An annotated bibliography of LGBTQIA+ books and resources
for children.
Co-PIs: Christine Shelek, South Carolina Center for Community Literacy
School: iSchool
Sponsor: National Institute of Health
Title: Identifying Optimal Visual Narratives to Impact African American Men’s Colorectal
Cancer Risk Awareness and Screening Uptake
PI: Robert McKeever
Co-investigators: Jungmi Jun, Joon Kim, Karen Wikersham, Brett Robertson, Christopher Nolan, & Carl
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning @ USC
PI: Jeffrey Williams
Title: Immersion at the Circus, documenting the beyond the classroom experience
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Waterhouse Family Institute for the Study of Communication and Society
PI: Brett Robertson
Title: Precarious Societies, Collective Solidarity: Feminist Economic Organizing of Mutual
Aid Organizations and Resilience Discourses during COVID-19
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Waterhouse Family Institute for the Study of Communication and Society (WFI)
Title: The Platformization of Organizational (counter-)Discriminatory Speech on Facebook
and Twitter During the Pandemic
PI: Yingying Chen
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Social Science Research Council - Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science Research Grant
Title: Precarious Societies, Collective Solidarity: Feminist Economic Organizing of Mutual
Aid Organizations and Resilience Discourses during COVID-19
PI: Brett Robertson
School: SJMC
Sponsor: US Dept of State
Title: Empowering Workers for Justice in Bangladesh
Co-PI: Andrea Hickerson
School: SJMC
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Title: Actionable Sensemaking Tools for Curating and Authenticating Information in the Presence
of Misinformation during Crises
Co-PI: Shannon Bowen
School: SJMC
Sponsor: IMLS
Title: Designing Culturally Competent and Impactful K-12 Online Learning
Co-PI: Lucy Santos Green and Liz Hartnett (Key Personnel)
School: Information Science
Sponsor: IMLS
Title: Identifying Opportunities for Retention of BIPOC Librarians Using Survival Analysis
Co-PI: Monica Colon-Aguirre
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Full STEAM (and Social Studies) Ahead with TPS Grant Training in South Carolina
Co-PI: Jenna Spiering, Liz Harnett, Christine Shelek, and Valerie Byrd Fort
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Title: Connecting Behavioral Science to COVID-19 Vaccine Demand (CBS-CVD) Network (PRC Supplement)
Co-I: Brooke McKeever
School: SJMC
Sponsor: AEJMC Collaborative Scholar Grant
Title: Media Advocacy and the Health Belief Model in the Context of COVID-19: A Mixed Methods
Co-PI: Brooke McKeever and Carl Ciccarelli
School: SJMC
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Title: Collaborative Research: SaTC: TTP: Small: DeFake: Deploying a Tool for Robust Deepfake
PI: Andrea Hickerson
School: SJMC
Sponsor: IMLS
Title: Laura Bush 21stCentury Librarian Program
PI: Nicole Cooke, working with the American Library Association
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning
Title: Beyond the Classroom Engagement Program Grant for Student Participation
PI: Jeff Williams
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Biometric Responses and Health Outcomes of Youth Exposure to Modified Exposure Claims
for Novel Tobacco Products with FDA Authorization Cues
PI: Dr. Jungmi Jun; Co-PI: Dr. Taylor Wen
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: LGBT Health Surveillance via Mining Social Media Big Data
PI: Dr. Amir Karami
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Understand the Impacts of Social Density and Environmental Uncertainty on Consumers’
Subjective Well-being
PI: Dr. Linwan Wu
School: SJMC
Sponsor: The Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication
Title: Exploring the Impact of Corporate Social Advocacy Campaigns on Collective Action:
A Two-Part Study of Identity
PI: Anli Xiao
School: SJMC
Sponsor: The American Academy of Advertising Research Fellowship
Title: Disclosing the involvement of Artificial Intelligence in advertising to consumers
PIs: Dr. Linwan Wu and Dr. Taylor Wen
School: SJMC
Sponsor: The Knight Foundation
Title: Development of a Deep Fake Detection Tool for Journalists
Co-PI: Dr. Andrea Hickerson
School: SJMC
Sponsor: American University
Title: Right to Research Network: Supporting Africa's Copyright Reform Agenda at World
Intellectual Property Organization
PI: Dick Kawooya
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Teaching with Primary Sources
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: Developing Training for and Establishing Partnerships between Community Health Workers
and Medical Librarians for LGBTQIA+ Health Promotion
PI: Vanessa Kitzie
School: Information Science
Sponsor: SC Humanities/NEH
Title: The Augusta Baker Lecture Series
PI: Dr. Nicole Cooke
School: Information Science
Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: Asian Americans’ Experience with COVID-19 Related Discrimination and Communicative
Coping Strategies
PI: Jungmi Jun
School: SJMC
Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: Explore Diseases and Chemicals in COVID-19 Scholarly Articles with Data Science Techniques
PI: Amir Karami
School: Information Science
Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: Detecting and investigating COVID-19 misleading information on YouTube
PI: Ehsan Mohammadi
Co-PI: Dr. Brooke McKeever and Dr. Robert McKeever
School: Information Science and SJMC
Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: The Virtual Piranesi
PI: Jason Porter
School: SJMC
Sponsor: IMLS
Title: Educational Quality through Instructional Partnerships (EQuIP): Assessing the Efficacy
of Collaboratively Implemented Guided Inquiry Design on K-12 Student Learning
PI: Dr. Lucy Santos Green
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Teaching with Primary Sources
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Penn State
Title: Construction and Validation of New Scales of Advocacy and Activism
PI: Dr. Brooke McKeever
School: SJMC
Sponsor: USC - Aspire
Title: Understand the Role of Emotions in Disaster Communication: A Computational Analysis
PI: Dr. Jing Wen
Co-PI: Dr. Amir Karami
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Penn State
Title: Moment of Truth: Understanding Corporate Rumors and the Psychology of Rumor Spread
on Environmental Issues via Social Media
PI: Dr. Holly Overton
School: SJMC
Sponsor: American Library Association
Title: Social Justice in Young American Graphic Novels - a Global Perspective
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science
Sponsor: USC Office of The Provost
Title: Big Data Health Science Center (BDHSC)
Co-I: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: Examining Public Library Service to LGBTQ Communities for Health-related Information
PI: Dr. Vanessa Kitzie
School: Information Science
Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities
Title: Evolution in Digital Discourse: Toward a Computational Tool for Identifying Patterns
of Language Change in Social Media
PI: Dr. S. Mo Jang
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Teaching with Primary Sources
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science
Sponsors: Jacqueline M. Albers Guest Scholar in Children’s Literature Fellowship and the Southeastern Conference Visiting Faculty Travel Grant
Title: Visualizing Change through Multicultural and Social Justice Graphic Novels in the
U.S. and Australia.
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science
Sponsor: The Pennsylvania State University - Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public
Title: Understanding Native Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility
PIs: Dr. Linwan Wu
Co-PI: Dr. Holly Overton
School: SJMC
Sponsor: The Pennsylvania State University - Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public
Title: Moment of Truth: Understanding Corporate Rumors and the Psychology of Rumor Spread
on Environmental Issues via Social Media
PI: Dr. Holly Overton
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Title: META 2: Furthering Our Understanding of the Economic Value of Public Library Services
Lead PI: Dr. Jennifer Arns
Co-PI: Dr. Clayton Copeland
School: Information Science
Sponsor: CDC
Title: USC PRC Center and Core Research Project: National Implementation Study of the Faith,
Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) Program
PI: Dr. Brooke McKeever
School: SJMC
Sponsor: The Arthur W. Page Center at the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications
at Penn State University
Title: The Effects of Self-Construal on Green CSR Perspectives in the U.S. and India: The
Moderating Roles of Environmental Consciousness
Lead PI: Nandini Bhalla, doctoral candidate
School: SJMC
Sponsor: USC Office of the Vice President for Research
Title: Knowledge Discovery in Sexual Discrimination and Harassment Experiences
Lead PI: Dr. Amir Karami, assistant professor
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Center for Teaching Excellence
Title: Innovating and integrating two courses: Photovisual Communication III and Graphics
for Visual Communication
Co PIs: Dr. Sabrina Habib and Dr. Tara Mortensen
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Center for Teaching Excellence
Title: Global Health Initiative Course Development Grant for a new course: Communicating,
Science, Health & the Environment
Lead PI: Dr. Brooke McKeever
School: SJMC
Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Enhancing Situational Awareness by Mining Big Social Media Data in Near-real Time
for Disaster Management: A CyberGIS Approach
Co-PI: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science
Sponsor: USC Office of The Provost
Title: Computational Analysis of the US 2016 Presidential Election in Social Media
PI: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Library of Congress
Title: Teaching with Primary Sources
PI: Dr. Karen Gavigan
School: Information Science
Website »
Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Functional wellness among women living with HIV in South Carolina
Co-PI: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science
Sponsor: Office of the Vice President for Research ASPIRE Program
Title: Medical Case Reports Analytics (MCRA) in Neurology
PI: Dr. Amir Karmi
School: Information Science
CIC Grant
The College of Information and Communications is committed to supporting collaborative research and creative scholarship across the college and with other units on campus.