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College of Information and Communications

  • 2017 Bruce E. Konkle Rising Star Award Winner - Amanda Hajji. Photo by Lewis Zeigler.

Awards and Scholarships

SCSPA recognizes contributions to scholastic journalism through awards and scholarships at annual conferences. Students can apply for college scholarships and submit portfolios for individual awards. You can honor the achievements of advisers and other friends of scholastic journalism by nominating them for yearly recognitions.


Journalist-of-the-Year Award

SCSPA annually recognizes one graduating senior for outstanding contributions to scholastic journalism. Applicants are judged on contributions to their publications, as well as involvement in the community.

The SCSPA Journalist of the Year automatically becomes South Carolina's entry in the Journalism Education Association's national competition. Applicants must be student members of SCSPA.

Reid H. Montgomery Adviser-of-the-Year Award 

Established in memory of Dr. Montgomery, a past director of SCSPA, this award is presented to an adviser who exemplifies a high standard of excellence in service to scholastic journalism. Nominated advisers should demonstrate a high commitment to scholastic journalism on the state, regional and/or national level.

Bruce E. Konkle Rising Star Award 

Established in honor of a past director of SCSPA, this award recognizes an adviser who has five years or fewer years of advising experience and makes a difference in the lives of his/her media students by encouraging professionalism in media production and creating excitement in his/her classroom for the love of written, verbal and written communications.

Albert T. Scroggins Award 

Named after a former Dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, this award is presented to an individual or group who has made outstanding contributions to South Carolina scholastic journalism. No current adviser may be nominated.


SCSPA Scholarship

SCSPA awards one $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior who has been admitted and plans to attend the USC School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Applicants are judged on their scholastic journalism involvement, as well as their academic achievements while in high school.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.