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College of Information and Communications

EQuIP - Educational Quality through Instructional Partnerships

About EQuIP

This Research into Practice exploratory project will identify the specific components of Guided Inquiry Design units, collaboratively designed and implemented by school librarians and classroom teachers, that lead to higher academic achievement and student mastery of K-12 learning outcomes. This study is funded by a three-year Laura Bush 21st Century Library grant through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

EQuIP Research Mechanics

EQuIP addresses the following research question: How does student completion of a Guided Inquiry Unit, designed and delivered by EQuIP-trained school library-classroom teacher instructional partners, affect student mastery of target curricular learning outcomes?

By answering this question, the proposed study will contribute to theoretical and practical knowledge on highly effective targeted interventions that when implemented by school librarians and classroom teachers, lead to student mastery of academic content, and student development of lifelong inquiry skills. Research outcomes will address a large gap in school library research (i.e. quantifiable impact of school library and classroom partnerships on K-12 student learning) and establish a critical mass of geographically-diverse school library and teacher practitioners trained in Guided Inquiry Design.

The study design for EQuIP employs a mixed-methodology approach where a robust quantitative design is supported by contextual qualitative data. The application of this design has intentionally been selected to address the challenging combination of:

  1. A lack of quantitatively identified high-impact variables in school library research
  2. Context-dependent institutional structures, professional practices, and student learning needs found in individual K-12 schools and school library programs.

EQuIP Impact

The goals of this research project are:

  1. Establish a critical mass of geographically-diverse GID-trained school library practitioners with strong classroom teacher instructional partners
  2. Share results of data collected and analyzed with emphasis on communication to stakeholders outside of the school library profession (e.g. educational leadership, state education agencies, community leaders, parents), leading to demonstrable improvement in library services for K-12 students.
  3. Generate a larger dataset that encourages identification of impactful variables, and future research examining the effect of school librarian pedagogical practices on K-12 student academic achievement in quantifiable ways.
  4. Establish a free database of Guided Inquiry Design units that reflect research findings on best practices for timing of stages, skill development, co-teaching structure, distribution of responsibilities, and pedagogical strategies.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.