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College of Information and Communications

  • Anu Roy seawalking

Student Showcase

Anu Pria Roy

Where are you from and how did you choose the MLIS program at USC?

I am from Naryanganj, Bangladesh, and I chose this program because it offers an exclusive opportunity to learn the interconnection between library science and information technology.

While with the advent of ‘internet of things’ we are blessed (in my word ‘flooded’) with vast resources of information, it is now crucial to establish efficient and sustainable information storage and retrieval systems. Having a computer science bachelor’s degree, I could connect my technical understanding to the practical implementation based learning offered by the USC library and information science program of study.

What is your favorite thing about the program?

My program provides me with a state-of-the-art knowledge-based learning opportunity. The class structures trigger brainstorming, group work and critical thinking.

Is there a faculty or staff member who has been particularly helpful or influential?

Prior to applying, I met Dr. Amir Karami in-person to learn more about the program and how it coincides with my aim and goal. His advice and comments eventually helped me to decide to choose this program. I am also grateful to Dr. Copeland, my first instructor at the school. Her thorough, yet placid lectures and personal care (whenever needed) helped me to get the primary understanding of LIS philosophy.

Have you won any awards, scholarships or honors?

I am honored to have received the 2020 Scholarship for Diversity in Librarianship from the South Carolina Library Association.

Have you been involved in any research projects?

While working as a graduate assistant at the South Carolina SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality at the Arnold School of Public Health, I presented a poster at the USC National Big Data Health Science Conference held in February 2020. I presented my research on The emerging health crisis in Bangladesh regarding Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs): Necessity of Big Data Analytics.

Are you involved in anything else?

Currently I am serving as peer leader at Service Saturday, a monthly event that is organized by the Leadership and Service Center. I am also the vice president for the Library and Information Science Student Association and graphic design director for the International Student Association.

What would you say to a prospective student who’s considering this program?

The stake on the LIS professionals in our society is now higher than ever, and USC's LIS program offers a unique opportunity to get theoretical as well as hands-on training in this regard. The program is well-suited with modern day problems and solutions.

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