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College of Information and Communications

Mass Communications Minor

A minor in Mass Communications is designed to help you gain a broad understanding of the mass media and learn about the elements at work in the media today. Elective courses allow you to customize the experience by selecting courses across the journalism and mass communications curriculum.


Any student enrolled at the University of South Carolina may choose this minor except for students with majors in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications.


Required Courses (3 hours)

  • JOUR 101 - Media and Society
    Principles, history, philosophies, theories of the mass media and allied professions and their societal role and impact.

Principles Courses (6 hours)

Select two of the following:

  • JOUR 201 - Principles of Public Relations
    Principles, history, philosophies, theories of the mass media and allied professions and their societal role and impact.
  • JOUR 202 - Principles of Advertising and Brand Communications
    An introduction to the advertising and strategic communications industries. Discussion of the structure and history of the business, social impacts and regulations, research, planning, creative, media planning, sales promotion, event promotion and the integrated nature of all promotional communication.
  • JOUR 203 - Principles of Visual Communications
    Theory and history of visual communication in the mass media emphasizing informational and persuasive messages created by graphic, photographic, and multimedia processes.
  • JOUR 204 - Principles of Journalism
    Principles and foundations of journalism to reflect both how journalism serves communities and how its techniques are developed to effectively communication to audiences.

Electives (9 hours)

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.