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College of Information and Communications

  • Dominion Energy

Donor Spotlight

Dominion Energy

Dominion Energy is proud to partner with the South Carolina Center for Community Literacy to bring Cocky’s Reading Express to thousands of children annually. 

We know reading is the fundamental building block for all learning and a child’s long-term success. This program is a perfect example of how we can support education initiatives that have a lasting impact on our future workforce.

Keller Kissam, president of electric operations at Dominion Energy South Carolina

“I do not know what I like better — the lights coming back on after a major storm or the lights in children’s eyes throughout South Carolina when I have the privilege to participate in Cocky’s Reading Express. Once Cocky appears and acts out the book I am reading, the excitement for reading is contagious. Each child is rewarded with a free book and sticker after they make a promise to Cocky to read every day. I love to read to future engineers, linemen, gas journeyman and electricians who get their start through a promise to Cocky to read.” 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.