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College of Information and Communications

Mass Communication

Dante Mozie


B.A., English, South Carolina State University
M.S., Journalism, Northwestern University


Dante Mozie is a full-time journalism instructor at South Carolina State University, where he has taught since 2011.

Before joining the faculty at S.C. State, he was an instructor and student newspaper advisor at Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina.

Research Interests

minority media history; entertainment studies


Recipient, Finalist Award, Farrar Award in Media History and Civil Rights, Media and Civil Rights History Symposium, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, United States (2023).

Recipient, Mass Communications Division Top Student Paper Award, National Communication Association National Convention, New Orleans, LA, United States (2022).

Inductee, Omicron Delta Kappa – The National Leadership Honors Society, Chi Circle, University of South Carolina – Columbia (2022).

Inductee, Kappa Tau Alpha Journalism and Mass Communications Honor Society, Albert T. Scroggins Chapter, University of South Carolina - Columbia (2022).

Recipient, Entertainment Studies Interest Group Top Abstract Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Conference, Norman, OK, United States (2021).

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