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College of Information and Communications

Strategic Plan for Access and Engagement

ACEJMC Compliance

School of Journalism and Mass Communications
College of Information and Communications 
University of South Carolina 


The School of Journalism and Mass Communications (SJMC) Strategic Plan for Access and Engagement aligns with the goal of the College of Information and Communications and University of South Carolina's plans: To cultivate an environment where every individual has the full opportunity to flourish and thrive. At the University of South Carolina, we strive to cultivate an inclusive environment that is open, welcoming, and supportive of individuals of all backgrounds.

Our plan is also consistent with the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) Diversity and Inclusiveness Standard 4: The unit demonstrates it has a diverse and inclusive program that embodies domestic and global diversity and that empowers those traditionally disenfranchised in society especially as grounded in race, ethnicity, gender, ability, and sexual orientation.


The SJMC recognizes the importance of diversity in its various forms and embraces the ACEJMC definition of diversity as all the differences that exist within people, with the recognition that some elements of diversity are linked to the disenfranchisement of people.  

Consistent with University, ACEJMC and US census designations, and based on the population of the area the university serves, we define under-represented populations for recruitment purposes as being students, faculty and staff who are African American/Black, Hispanic/Latina/o, Native American, and Asian Americans. Many of our initiatives also target first-generation students, as noted in the strategic plan.


The SJMC values diversity in the composition of our students, faculty and staff and will fulfill the following objectives:

Objective 1.1: Bring the SJMC’s undergraduate and graduate underrepresented student population into closer alignment with the representation of South Carolina.

Program 1.1.1: Develop and expand pipeline programs targeting middle and high schools in South Carolina to attract and enroll underrepresented students in the SJMC.

Key Performance Indicator: By 2025, an increase in undergraduate underrepresented student enrollment in closer alignment with the state’s 34% underrepresented population.

Progress toward completion:

    • Since 2016, the SJMC’s underrepresented undergraduate student enrollment has improved to 15%, including 9% Black, 4% Hispanic/Latino/a, and 2% Asian.
    • During the fall 2022 semester, the CIC launched the Careers in Information and Communications Roadshow, a recruitment pathway to attract and recruit underrepresented high school students from local communities.
    • The CIC also hired an undergraduate student recruiter to work with both schools and the USC admissions office to attract and recruit students.
    • The SJMC continues its engagement with the South Carolina Student Press Association, and the Southern Intercollegiate Press Association to strengthen scholastic journalism and expose high school students and advisors to post-secondary journalism and mass communications education.

Program 1.1.2: Develop a targeted recruitment campaign centering pipeline/pathway programs with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) and other institutions domestic and global to attract students to the graduate program.

Key Performance Indicator 1.1.2a: By 2025, the SJMC graduate underrepresented student enrollment will increase to 25%, in closer alignment with the state’s 34% underrepresented population.

Progress toward completion:

    • The SJMC ‘s Fall 2022 graduate underrepresented student enrollment improved to 50%, including 33% Black, 1% Hispanic/Latino/a, and 1% Asian. Female student enrollment was 66% in 2022.

Key Performance Indicator 1.1.2b: Support and expand existing pipeline/pathway programs for attracting underrepresented students, such as the Digital Media Academy/Experience and the Inclusive Excellence Graduate Program Open House.
Progress toward completion:

  • Developed partnerships and collaborations with local HBCUs during the past six years; hired a graduate student recruiter in 2018; launched a 4+1, dual degree program with HBCU Claflin University in 2021.
  • Since 2018, the Digital Media Experience (formerly Digital Media Academy), has attracted more than 50 underrepresented students from local HBCUs and other universities throughout the nation.
  • The Inclusive Excellence Graduate Program Open House has attracted nearly 150 students from local HBCUs from 2018 to 2021. In 2022, the Inclusive Excellence Graduate Program Open House became the model for a newer, more expansive university-wide Inclusive Excellence Graduate Education Open House, joined by four other academic units.
  • The dual enrollment, 4+1 pathway program has yielded an enrollment of eight Rising Star Fellows since the first enrollees in 2021, and first graduate in 2022.

Program 1.1.3: Increase the number of scholarships and fellowships to support student enrollment in undergraduate and graduate programs in the SJMC.

Key Performance Indicator: By 2025, increase the number of scholarships and fellowships awarded to underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students.

Progress toward completion:

    • The SJMC has created and sustained 12 undergraduate and graduate scholarships to support underrepresented students.
    • In fall 2021, the unit awarded its first Rising Star Fellowship to support the inaugural 4+1 graduate student. To date, more than $180,000 in Rising Star Fellowships have been awarded to the 4+1 participants.

Program 1.1.4: Increase the number of Bachelor’s/Master’s accelerated programs in collaboration with in-state Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and global institutions.

Key Performance Indicator 1.1.4a: By 2021, implement the CIC 4+1Memorandum of Agreement with Claflin University for the Master of Mass  Communications and the Master of Library and Information Science degrees, the first such dual-degree program in the country.

Progress toward completion:

  • The SJMC accepted two students in the pilot program in 2020 and enrolled its first full-time graduate student in the 4+1 program in fall 2021, who graduated in 2022. Six students enrolled in fall 2021 who will graduate in August 2023 and May/August 2024.

Key Performance Indicator 1.1.4b: By 2021, establish an international dual master’s degree program.
Progress toward completion:

  • The SJMC graduated in August 2022 the first class of the National Chengchi University, Taiwan dual master’s program, our first global accelerated master’s program collaboration.

Objective 1.2: Transform the CIC population of professional/administrative staff at all levels (including senior leadership) to be in alignment with the representation of the state.

Program 1.2.1:  Develop a diverse and inclusive staff recruitment plan to ensure an inclusive applicant pool.

Key Performance Indicator 1.2.1: By 2021, all staff recruitment announcements, promotional materials and search committees will be inclusive.

Progress toward completion:

    • Since 2021, the CIC HR manager works with all search committees to ensure an inclusive process for all searches. Effective in 2022, each search committee has an HR representative and equity advisor as nonvoting members.

Program 1.2.2: Develop training for all members of professional and administrative staff search committees in the College.

Key Performance Indicator 1.2.2: By 2022, implement a training requirement for all professional and administrative staff search committees.

Progress toward completion:

    • All search committees during the 2022-2023 academic year were provided search committee toolkits from the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium, as a temporary search committee training tool in lieu of post-pandemic search committee training.

Key Performance Indicator 1.2.3: As of 2022, an inclusion statement will be required of all applicants for senior administrative positions and as part of the annual review process.

Program 1.2.3: Require inclusion statements of all applicants for senior administrative positions and as part of the annual review process.

Progress toward completion:

    • All administrative position searches in the past three years have required an access and engagement statement.

Program 1.2.4: Nominate staff to participate in leadership pipeline programs (e.g., the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) and the Pipeline for Academic Leaders (PAL).

Key Performance Indicator: Yearly increases in the number of nominated underrepresented staff in the professional and administrative pipeline programs.   

Program 1.2.5: Develop and implement a structured and systematic exit interview process for staff.

Key Performance Indicator: By 2023, implement a structured and systematic exit interview process.

Objective 1.3: Embed inclusive excellence into our faculty hiring and advancement policies and practices. 

Program 1.3.1: Develop an inclusive faculty recruitment plan.

Key Performance Indicator 1.3.1: By 2023, all faculty recruitment announcements, promotional materials and search committees will be diverse and inclusive.        

Progress toward completion:

    • All search committees during the past three years have been inclusive.
    • The unit’s most successful search for underrepresented faculty to be closely aligned with the student, university, and state population was the 2021 Diversity Cluster search that netted three new Black faculty in the SJMC, one male and two female assistant professors.
    • Additionally, the recent competitive national search for the new SJMC director led to the appointment of a Black male professor in that role.
    • These hires increased the SJMC’s 2023 diversity representation from 19% in 2016 to 35% in 2023-2024, and Black faculty from 7% Black in 2016 to 20% Black in 2023-2024, and higher than the university’s 8% Black faculty.

Program 1.3.2: Develop and appropriately fund a comprehensive hiring program to support post-doctoral fellows, cluster hires, spousal hires, and other opportunity hires.

Key Performance Indicator: By 2023, acquire supplemental funding support to implement college level hiring programs.

Progress toward completion:

    • In 2021, the college dean secured funding to support a cluster hiring, netting four new tenure-track hires, including three Black faculty in the SJMC.
    • In Fall 2022, the USC provost for academic affairs and the vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion jointly announced the establishment of a new post-doctoral program, Bridge to Faculty (B2F).

 Program 1.3.3: Develop a policy requiring training of all search committee members and of faculty who perform tenure and promotion reviews.

Key Performance Indicator: By 2023, training will be required and provided for all faculty who serve on search committees.

Progress toward completion:

    • In 2020, the unit participated in the CIC’S first search committee training.
    • In 2022, all search committees were provided the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium Search Committee Training Toolkit to supplement search committee training.

Key Performance Indicator: By 2023, training will be required of all faculty who vote on tenure and promotion in the School.  

Program 1.3.4: Incorporate inclusivity into the initial review, interview, and selection processes for faculty and academic administrative positions.

Key Performance Indicator: By 2023, an access and inclusion statement will be required of all applicants for faculty and senior administrative positions and as part of the faculty review process.

Progress toward completion:

    • Since 2021, the college has provided sample interview questions for search committee use.             

Program 1.3.5: Increase nominations of faculty for participation in leadership pipeline programs (e.g., the Pipeline for Academic Leaders (PAL) and the SEC Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP).

Key Performance Indicator: By 2025, increase the nominations of faculty in leadership pipeline/pathway programs by paying attention to patterns of underrepresented faculty in terms of race/ethnicity and gender.

Progress toward completion:

    • Five SJMC women faculty at the rank of associate professor or professor have completed a leadership program since 2016.

Program 1.3.6: Create and promote partnerships with local and regional institutions (including SEC and other regional R1 schools) to recruit and hire underrepresented doctoral recipients.

Key Performance Indicator 1.3.6a: By 2025, secure funding to establish a faculty pathway program in the SJMC.

Key Performance Indicator 1.3.6b: By 2025, collaborate with other SEC doctoral-granting programs to create a faculty pipeline.

Progress toward completion:

    • The SJMC participated in the university’s 2021 Emerging Scholars program, an SEC program to attract doctoral recipients as faculty members in SEC institutions. 


Objective 2.1: Improve the academic outcomes for underrepresented students.

Program 2.1.1: Continue to create culturally proficient communicators capable of learning with, working on and advancing the value of diverse teams, and provide instruction on issues and perspectives related to culturally competent communication across diverse cultures in compliance with ACEJMC Standard 4: Diversity and Inclusiveness.

Key Performance Indicator 1.1.1a: By 2023, where applicable, all SJMC course syllabi will include learning outcomes and course content consistent with ACEJMC’s professional values and competencies.           

Key Performance Indicator 1.1.1b: By 2024, at least one inclusion course will be part of the major core requirement.

Progress toward completion:

    • Since 2018, course mapping is conducted annually to ensure course syllabi reflect learning outcomes and course content related to access and engagement, both domestically and internationally. Three new courses were offered during the fall semester as electives, and the faculty will require a course by 2025. The unit’s Women, Minorities and the Media course is one of the first DEI courses to be offered nationally.  

Program 2.1.2: Increase undergraduate student  participation in internships, study abroad, research, professional student organizations, professional development, and other experiential learning opportunities.

Key Performance Indicator: Track annual increase in percentage of students in experiential learning opportunities.  

Progress toward completion:

    • Since 2016, the college has established several scholarships and funds to support study abroad opportunities for all interested students, and improved efforts to attract and recruit first generation and underrepresented students.
    • The SJMC PRSSA student chapter won second place in the 2018-19 national Bateman Team competition with its entry, “Commit 2 Connect,” a diversity and inclusion tool kit for organizations.
    • The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) student chapter at USC was a finalist for the national 2020 chapter of the year award.
    • The 2023 Ad Team won the Mosaic Award at the American Advertising Federation (AAF) District Three Regional Student Competition for their commitment to access and engagement in their integrated marketing communications campaign for the job search platform Indeed.
    • SJMC students are annually selected as participants in the AAF’s Most Promising Multicultural Students pathway program, and the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s) Foundation’s Multicultural Advertising Internship Program (MAIP) Fellowship.

Program 2.1.3: Increase nominations for participation in the Grace Jordan McFadden Professors Program (GJMPP) and the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Program for underrepresented doctoral students, and other doctoral programs such as the AEJMC Presidential Diversity & Inclusion Career Development Fellowship.

Key Performance Indicator 2.1.2: Track annual increase in number of doctoral student participants nominated in each fellowship program.

Progress toward completion:

    • In the past three years, three underrepresented doctoral students have participated in the GJMPP, the SREB, and the AEJMC fellowship.

Program 2.1.4: Develop and support new professional development programs for underrepresented students in master’s degree programs.

Key Performance Indicator 2.1.4: Track underrepresented graduate student participation in USC’s graduate programs such as the Inclusive Education Program, “The Grad Cohort” Podcast Series, among others, and the Black Graduate Student Association.

Progress toward completion:

    • The SJMC professional master’s degree, the MMC with concentrations in Strategic Communication and Multimedia Journalism, was awarded one of the university’s first Rising Star Fellowships to support underrepresented students enrolled in the USC/CIC-Claflin University 4+1 dual degree master’s degree program. To date, the program has attracted 10 student participants, including one graduate, six currently enrolled, and three students in the pipeline.

Objective 2.2: Ensure transparent, better and more equitable outcomes for all SJMC staff.

Program 2.2.1: Develop and enforce policies that provide “protected time” for staff members to participate in professional development training.

Key Performance Indicator 2.2.1a: By 2025, implement  a professional “protected time” policy for staff. 

Key performance Indicator 2.2.1b: Create a staff council to ensure staff participation in governance and other college decision making.

Progress toward completion:

    • The CIC created one of the university’s first staff councils in 2019. The staff council creates goals and objectives and annually updates staff policy manuals.

Program 2.2.2: Conduct across the board unit-level reviews of promotion criteria and evaluation processes to identify and eliminate any elements of systemic bias.

Key Performance Indicator: By 2025, complete unit-level reviews and make recommendations for improvement as needed.

Objective 2.3: Ensure transparent, better, and more equitable outcomes for all faculty members.

Program 2.3.1: Create a peer-led leadership development program to increase the proportion of faculty from underrepresented groups in academic administration positions.

Key Performance Indicator 2.3.1: By 2025, the peer leadership development program will be created. 

Program 2.3.2. Create more transparency and equity in faculty workloads, paying particular attention to faculty who perform excessive service.

Key Performance Indicator 2.3.2: By 2025, create a mechanism to identify and rectify patters of excessive service, particularly as they impact underrepresented faculty. 

Program 2.3.3: Conduct across-the-board unit-level reviews of T&P criteria and evaluation processes to identify any elements of systemic bias paying attention to patterns of excessive service and narrowly defined parameters for scholarship.

Key Performance Indicator 2.3.3: By 2025, complete unit-level reviews and make recommendations for improvement where needed.


Objective 3.1: Increase the engagement of students, faculty, staff, administrators and local community members in courses, training and events that promote the awareness and understanding of access and engagement.

Program 3.1.1: Support, promote, and track participation in the CIC and SJMC existing programs intended to engage and inform our community such as the CIC DEI  Research Symposium, Dean’s Lunch & Lead for student leaders, Brown Bag Series and the SJMC Media and Civil Rights History Symposium. Other university training opportunities include the Inclusive Excellence Education sessions and the USC Center for Teaching Excellence  Teaching Towards Inclusive Excellence Certificate.

Key Performance Indicator 3.1.1: By 2023, create fund to support the continuation of existing programs and incentivize faculty participation.

Progress toward completion:

    • In 2021, the CIC Access and Engagement Research Symposium and SJMC Media and Civil Rights History Symposium jointly pursued and secured funding through the CIC, SJMC and University for a national thought leader as the symposia’s joint keynote speaker. The successful collaboration continued for the joint keynote speaker and luncheon panel in 2023 and added additional sponsors. The USC Civil Rights Center is also a collaborator for this event.
    • The college through its development efforts secured funding under the auspices of the 2022 Give4Garnet campaign to secure funding for several inclusive excellence initiatives including study abroad, scholarships, student organizations, the 4+1 dual degree program and Farrar Award.
    • Faculty incentives for participation in access and engagement initiatives include the Inclusive Excellence Award that includes a certificate and cash award. Other incentives include grants from the CTE.

Program 3.1.2: Develop, implement and promote new courses, training programs and events that foster engagement in topics aligned with inclusive excellence.

Key Performance Indicator 3.1.2a: By 2025, require a school course consistent with ACEJMC accreditation best practices.

Key Performance Indicator 3.1.2b: By 2025, require civility and workplace integrity training among unit faculty and staff.

Key Performance Indicator 3.1.2c: By 2025, establish a new leadership initiative for access and engagement and provide career development as a leadership pipeline program for the academy and industry. 

Objective 3.2: Improve the sense of inclusion and belonging among all SJMC community members.

Program 3.2.1: Ensure accessibility for all students, faculty and staff.     

Progress toward completion:

    • The SJMC building, offices and labs are ADA-compliant.

Program 3.2.2: Expand awareness of the system for reporting incidents of bias and unlawful discrimination and its role in ensuring compliance with anti-discrimination laws and policies.

Progress toward completion: The college has provided a   manual  that explains policies and reporting procedures for bias and unlawful discrimination 

Program 3.2.3: Perform annual college climate survey.

 Progress toward completion:

    • The college has conducted a climate survey the past three years, and uses the results to improve practices, policies and procedures based on its strategic plans, that insure a welcoming and inclusive environment where all members are valued and affirmed.
    • Highlights from the fall 2022 climate survey:
      • Respondents have an overall favorable perception of the unit—faculty (82%), staff/admin (86%), and students (89%), including support for mental and emotional well-being.
      • Students (87%) believe the faculty express concern and caring for them.
      • Faculty (86%), staff/admin (93%), and students (88%) agree that the unit is “supportive of fostering a culture of diversity and inclusiveness.”
      • Students (86%) believe that those “with diverse backgrounds, identities, and experiences have equal access to academic opportunities,” and 82% believe students “from diverse backgrounds regularly interact with others in social settings.”

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