Sjoerd Beugelsdijk
J. Willis Cantey Chair and Professor
Email: sjoerd.beugelsdijk@moore.sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-0603

Dirk Brown
Faculty Director, McNair Institute for Entrepreneurism and Free Enterprise
Clinical Assistant Professor, International Business
Email: dirk@sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-1717

Tatiana Kostova
Carolina Distinguished Professor
Buck Mickel Chair and Professor of International Business
Email: kostova@sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-3553

Chuck C. Y. Kwok
Distinguished Business Partnership Foundation Fellow
Email: ckwok@moore.sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-3606

Gerald McDermott
Department Chair and Professor
Email: gerald.mcdermott@moore.sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-1035

Marc van Essen
Interim Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Programs and Associate Dean of International Programs and Partnerships
Professor of International Business
Email: marc.vanessen@moore.sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-5669