- Go through the end-of-the-semester undergraduate advising process (November or April)
• Confirm with advising that you are eligible for either capstone (MGSC497) or APICS (MGSC495) for the upcoming semester - If advising says you are eligible, register for BADM 399-007
• This is a placeholder course only - Wait for the Capstone/APICS Project Course (MGSC 497) application link
• You will receive this link through the BADM399-007 course blackboard
• It may be several weeks after the end of the semester before the link is provided
• Apply as soon as you receive the application link
• Late applications may not be accepted - Wait for decision (until the week before classes start)
- Decision will be communicated to you by the OSC Center in the week before classes
• If you are placed in Capstone, you must drop BADM 399-007 and add MGSC 497
• If you are placed in APICS, you must drop BADM 399-007 and add MGSC 495
NOTE: While you must complete one of MGSC 495 or MGSC 497 to complete the OSC program
requirements for graduation, you can do both if you wish.
NOTE: You are encouraged to apply for Capstone (MGSC497) more than once if you did not get placed on your first attempt.