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Darla Moore School of Business


Joel Stevenson

Title: Senior Lecturer
Department: Management
Darla Moore School of Business
Phone: 803-777-5972
Office: Darla Moore School of Business, Room 410K
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Joel Stevenson headshot


Joel Stevenson is a graduate of Georgia Tech, where he majored in industrial management. After graduation, Stevenson was drafted by the Cleveland Browns, where he played one year of professional football. Stevenson went on to start, grow and sell four businesses; two were sold to private investors, one was taken public and the fourth business was sold to a Fortune 500 company. Stevenson came to the University of South Carolina in 1999 to start the Technology Incubator. Under his leadership, the Technology Incubator to 135 companies. After retiring from the Incubator, he started teaching at the Moore School in 2011. In addition to teaching Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, he became the assistant director of the Faber Entrepreneurship Center and started the Moore School Instigator.

MGMT 472, MGMT 473, MGMT 478 and MGMT 777.

These courses absolutely help a student get a job. Since I do not have a doctorate, I’m teaching from 30 years of real world experiences (four companies started from scratch and sold) and using two books from two outstanding authors: Karen Allen and Richard Robinson to help make my points.

Starting, growing and successfully selling four businesses and working with more than 150 entrepreneurs as the Incubator director gives the students access to my practical experience.

Ethics in business

Socratic method

In Entrepreneurship — knowing the basics of building a business
In Strategic Management — how to put together a strategic plan

Spending time with my family and playing golf

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.