Congratulations to Rohit Verma, the Moore School's new dean as of Aug. 1, and Sanjay
Ahire, Michael J. Mungo Distinguished Professor in management science, who were recipients
of prestigious career achievement awards from the global Production Operations and
Management Society (POMS)!
Verma was selected as a POMS Fellow. The POMS Fellow is the most prestigious honor awarded and is given for life. It is
intended to recognize POMS members who have made exceptional intellectual contributions
to the POM profession and POMS through their research and teaching. Verma is a thought-leader
in the field and has demonstrated commitment to furthering the objectives of POMS.
There have been fewer than 50 POMS Fellows in its 32-year history.
Ahire was selected as one of two winners for the Excellence in Industry Engagement Award. This award recognizes faculty excellence in engaging with industry for experiential education, research and alumni outreach. The purpose of this award is to recognize faculty excellence in engagement with industry to motivate research, enhance students' learning and collaborate with industry-government initiatives to support students' success and create value for universities and other stakeholders. Ahire, also a co-director for the Moore School’s Operations and Supply Chain Center, has played a key leadership role in designing USC’s uniquely industry-focused operations and supply chain program 17 years ago and taking it to a No. 3 ranking in North America, according to 2022 Gartner rankings. He has championed uniquely effective models of academic-industry collaboration for the past 25 years at three universities, including USC.