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Darla Moore School of Business

Alumni living abroad make meaningful connections with study abroad students

February 19, 2016

The Darla Moore School of Business boasts alumni living and working in more than 80 countries, creating a global network – and an invaluable knowledge resource about international business. For many Moore School alumni around the world, it’s also an opportunity to create new connections with students and faculty through the school’s study abroad programs.

“When faculty lead short-term programs abroad, we make a point to reach out to the alumni in the area,” says Sara Easler, director of the school’s study abroad program. “It’s great to catch up with them, and a lot of times it is the first time in years that alumni have been surrounded by fellow Gamecocks.”  

The connections formed on these trips are mutually beneficial to students and alumni. It is a great networking opportunity and a chance for students to learn about international business outside of the classroom. For alumni, it is a unique opportunity overseas to share their knowledge and experience, and to keep up with developments at the school. 

Just this year alone the Moore School is hosting 24 trips with students and faculty to more than 25 different countries. 

One of the most successful connections happens below the equator in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Moore School alumni Pablo Cairoli (MIBS ’81) is president of Capital Markets Argentina. Twice a year, he meets with Moore School students and shares his experience story to give them insight about the world of international business that can only come from experience. 

How alumni can get involved: 

Are you an alumni living overseas? Email if you want to get involved with Moore School students and faculty visiting your country.

By Jessika Markland

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