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Darla Moore School of Business

Institutional Research and Assessment

Assessment at the Darla Moore School of Business

Our assessment mission is to ensure that student learning is achieved in all Moore School degree programs and major fields of study. Our two primary goals are to develop effective and efficient processes for ensuring student learning goals are met and to utilize assessment results to continually innovate our programs. Assessment activities assist faculty in improving programs and courses and help the business school demonstrate accountability.

Because each academic program at the Moore School has distinct student populations serving the demands of various employer groups, unique assessment plans are developed for each program. Each program has specific learning goals and each goal is measurable. Measures are taken to evaluate student learning, and feedback loops are used to ensure program improvements are made.


The overall goal of the undergraduate program at the Darla Moore School of Business is to produce students with the capacity to compete and be productive in today’s complex business environment. The undergraduate program in business will provide high-quality management education that develops the skills required to meet the diverse needs of employers in a variety of areas in business. Specifically, as a result of the education they receive at the Darla Moore School of Business:

  • Our graduates will be effective communicators. They will be able to convey ideas clearly — both orally and in properly written English.

  • Our graduates will be effective decision-makers. They will be able to apply problem-solving skills in a manner that allows them to make sound business decisions.

  • Our graduates will be able to use information technology. They will be able to make effective use of information system tools in day-to-day business communications, analysis and decision-making.

  • Our graduates will understand the legal environment in which businesses operate. They will understand ethical issues in business settings and have the reasoning abilities required to provide sound recommendations for resolving these issues.

  • Our graduates will understand the impact of globalization on business activities.

  • Our graduates will acquire multicultural understanding so that they will be able to maneuver in an increasingly competitive, complex and diverse business environment.

  • Our graduates will understand core concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, economics, management, management science, marketing and operations. They will be able to integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the functional areas of business to deal with issues from the integrated perspective of a business as a whole.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
