Elise Trexler is one of the 2019-2020 SIPA members-at-large
What is your position and duties within your publication?
I'm the editor-in-chief of Wingspan online. I write, edit and post stories to the website and write and design pages for print.
What is your favorite type of journalism and why?
Online journalism is my favorite because people in my generation actually read it,
as opposed to print. I care about making an impact and I can reach my peers through
What is your favorite type of social media and why?
I like Snapchat because I only add my close friends so it's like a big group chat.
What does “Make Them Listen” (the convention theme) mean to you?
"Make them Listen" is what we all try to do as journalists. We have important things
to publish that people should know about so they are informed on issues, so we want
them to know.
How do you plan on "making them listen" in the future?
I am working on posting stories as fast as I can and reaching out to our readers to
see what they want to read so they check the website more and engage more actively.
What mark do you want to make on student journalism in the future?
I want to leave high school knowing that students in the future can pick up where
I left off and that the general student population cares about the news and current
events a little bit more.
You can apply to be a SIPA student officer for the 2020-2021 school year and help plan the 2021 SIPA convention.