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  • A ribbon with the year 2020 in the middle representing the awards won by faculty and staff of the J-school

Faculty and students recognized by national association

Posted July 14, 2020

School of Journalism and Mass Communications faculty and graduate students will be honored for excellence in research and teaching at the 2020 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference in August.  Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the conference will be held virtually.

The school garnered a total of nine awards and had 27 papers accepted for presentation, as well as four panelists.

Among the faculty award winners is Sabrina Habib, who is the recipient of the Visual Communications Division Best Teacher of the Year Award.

Denetra Walker, a third-year Ph.D. student, made history by winning Top Student and Top Faculty awards in the Minorities and Communication Division. Walker authored or co-authored four award-winning papers total.

“SJMC faculty and students have a long history of distinction at AEJMC,” says Andrea Hickerson, SJMC director. “It is particularly rewarding to see so many faculty and former and current students collaborate on research.”


AEJMC Visual Communications Division Best Teacher of the Year Award

Sabrina Habib

2020 Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Student Research Award from the Minorities and Communication Division of AEJMC.

Denetra Walker awarded the research grant.

Doug Newsom Award for Global Ethics and Diversity from the Public Relations Division of AEJMC

Bhalla, N. (Ph.D. alumna), Kim, Y. & Huang, S. (2020, August). How do stakeholders react to different levels of LGBTQ-related diversity and inclusion CSR in India? Examining social acceptance, perceived fit, and value-driven attribution. 

First Place Paper in the Sports Communication Interest Group

Hull, K., Romney, M. (former faculty), Pellizzaro, K., & Walker, D. (2020, August). “It’s impossible”: Local sports broadcasters and the prospect of motherhood. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 103rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

First Place Paper in the Minorities and Communication Division.

Hull, K., Walker, D., Romney, M. (former faculty), & Pellizzaro, K. (2020, August). “Through our prism:” A survey of Black local sportscasters’ views and interactions with Black athletes. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 103rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

Second Place Paper in the Public Relations Division Open Competition

Queenie Li (Ph.D. alumna) and Taylor Wen. (2020, August). From tragedy to activism: Publics’ emotions, efficacy, and communicative action on Twitter in the case of the 2017 Las Vegas Mass Shooting. 

Minorities and Communication Division Top Student Paper

Walker, D., & Boling, K. S. (2020, August). Black maternal mortality in the media: How journalists cover a deadly racial disparity. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 AEJMC Conference in San Francisco, CA.

Communication Technology Division Top Paper

Walker, D. (2020, August) “There’s a camera everywhere”: How citizen journalists, cell phones, and technology shape news coverage of police shootings. Accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

Second Place in the Communication Technology Division Top Faculty Research Paper Competition.

Wu, L., & Wen, T. J. (2020, August). Understanding AI advertising from the consumer perspective: What factors determine consumers’ appreciation of AI-created advertisements? Paper accepted to present at 2020 AEJMC Annual Conference.


Alharbi, K., Boling, K., & Pardun, C. (2020, August). Saudi women take the wheel: A content analysis of how Saudi Arabian car companies reached women on social media. The paper will be presented at the 103rd Annual AEJMC Conference (International Communication Division).

Alharbi, K., Carter, J., & Campbell, K. (2020, August). Superiority, comfort and responsiveness: U.S. car ads take on Japanese competition, 1965-1977. The paper will be presented at the 103rd Annual AEJMC Conference (Advertising Division).

Boling, K. S., & Moscowitz, L. M. (2020, August). Truth, justice, and sexual harassment: A comparative analysis of op-eds in the Hill-Thomas and Ford-Kavanaugh hearings. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in San Francisco, CA (Newspaper and Online News Division). 

Boling, K. S., & Walker, D. (2020, August). The impact of race, ethnicity, and gender on perceived objectivity of broadcasters on Twitter. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 Association for Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, San Francisco, CA (Electronic News Division).

Bretscher, M. (2020, August). The Impact of perceived social media body ideals on self-image fixation and exercise tendencies. Paper accepted to present at 2020 AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Graduate Student Interest Group).

Carter, J., & Wu, L. (2020 August). I’d rather hear it from a robot: How audio voice drive preferences for AI-powered audio messages? Paper accepted to present at 2020 AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Communication Technology Division).

Gunby, K. (2020, August).  Bring Back Dads: A qualitative content analysis of the role of Black fathers on television [Poster presentation]. AEJMC 2020 Annual Conference,  San Francisco, CA.

Patwardhan, P.; Kerr, G.; Patwardhan, H.; Habib, S.; Kelly, L.; Mortimer, K.; Laurie, S. (2020, August). Ad agency leadership in the US, UK, and Australia: A mixed-method analysis of effective attributes and styles. Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Advertising Division).

Heo, Y.J., Choi, C., Overton, H.K., Kim, J.K., & Zhang, N. (2020, August). In-group vs. out-group CSR messages and the effects of gender and cause involvement on brand attitudes and positive word-of-mouth intentions. Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Mass Communication and Society Division).

Jun, J. & Li, P. (2020, August). When do victims become activists? Asian Americans’ experience with COVID-19 related discrimination, communicative coping strategies, and engagement in activism. Accepted to present at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Minorities and Communication MAC Division).

Kim, S.-H., Jun, J., Thrasher, J. F. (Arnold School of Public Health), Heo, Y., Cho, Y.-J. (2020, August). News media presentations of heated tobacco products (HTPs): A content analysis of news coverage in South Korea. Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Landy, C. (2020, August) With friends like these...: The Real Housewives of Atlanta and parasocial relationships. Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Entertainment Studies Interest Group).

McKeever, B.W., McKeever, R., Choi, M., Huang, S. (2020, August). From advocacy to activism: Developing and refining a scale of behavioral steps. Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Public Relations Division).

Myers, C.L. (2020, August). The movement in the message: Bob Dylan, ideology and the lived experiences of African Americans during the Civil Rights movement. Paper to be presented at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Noland, C. (2020, August). Vaping in today’s world: Do fear appeals and message framing change the way e-cigarette users view their habit? Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (ComSHER Division).

Overton, H.K., Kim, J.K., Zhang, N., & Huang, S. (2020, August). Examining consumer attitudes toward CSR and CSA messages. Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Mass Communication and Society Division).

Overton, H. K., & Yang, F. (2020, August). In the media we trust? Exploring the effects of perceived risk, news disputes, and credibility on consumer attitudes toward biotechnology companies. Paper accepted for presentation at the AEJMC Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (Media Ethics Division).

Robinson, E. (2020, August). Free papers and free speech: Home delivered free newspapers as litter. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2020 AEJMC Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA (Law and Policy Division).

Xiao, A., & Cheng, Y. (2020, August). Responding to online hoaxes: The role of contextual priming, crisis response type and communication strategy. Paper accepted by the 2020 AEJMC Conference, San Francisco, CA (Public Relations Division).

Vafeiadis, M, & Xiao, A. (2020, August). Fake news: How emotions, involvement, need for cognition, and rebuttal evidence type influence consumer reactions toward a targeted organization. Paper accepted by the 2020 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, San Francisco, CA (Mass Communication & Society Division).


SHANNON BOWEN, AEJMC Panel of the Page Center for Public Integrity, Research in Progress: Ethical Organizational Listening for Stakeholder Engagement and Responsibility.

HOLLY OVERTON, Invited faculty panelist for "Finding Your Research Agenda," co-sponsored by the Graduate Student Interest Group and the Visual Communications Division.

LAURA SMITH coordinated and will appear on a PF&R panel, titled “Struggling with Standard 9: How journalism programs across America grapple with the assessment of student learning outcomes,” co-sponsored by the Electronic News and Newspaper and Online News Divisions at AEJMC 2020, 1:15pm - 2:45pm (PACIFIC TIME) on Saturday, August 8.

LAURA SMITH is also an invited presenter on a teaching panel titled, “Applied Learning:  Creating Award-Winning Journalism in the Classroom,” sponsored by the Electronic News Division. This panel focuses on creating or re-imagining remote, hands-on broadcast experiences that take health and safety restrictions during the pandemic into account. Example activities and assignments will be shared.

JUNGMI JUN was accepted as one of the Kopenhaver Center Fellows. She will join the 2020 cohort and be part of the AEJMC pre-convention workshop, Women Faculty Moving Forward: 100 Years from Suffrage to Academic Leadership.

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