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Student-produced magazine wins Marcom Awards

InterCom magazine, the student-produced alumni and donor magazine for the College of Information and Communications at the University of South Carolina, won two platinum awards, three gold awards and five honorable mentions in the 2016 MarCom Awards for its two most recent issues.

Spring 2016 issue: (download pdf)

  • Writing/Magazine – Platinum
  • Design (Print)/Magazine Interior – Gold
  • Design (Print)/Magazine Cover – Honorable Mention
  • Design (Print)/Magazine – Gold
  • Magazine/Educational Institution – Platinum

Fall 2015 issue: (download pdf)

  • Writing/Magazine – Gold
  • Design (Print)/Magazine Interior – Honorable Mention
  • Design (Print)/Magazine Cover – Honorable Mention
  • Design (Print)/Magazine – Honorable Mention
  • Magazine/Educational Institution – Honorable Mention

InterCom magazine is produced by the School of Journalism and Mass Communications’ Publication Writing and Design class, taught by instructor Kathy Pettit, ’76, and design editor Alison West Moons, ‘13. Not only does the class develop content of interest to alumni, but it also prepares students for careers after college.

“Our students spend many hours researching and interviewing our alumni, their fellow students and the faculty,” Pettit said. “The work is demanding, and to be recognized for their efforts is gratifying. They leave the class better writers and more aware of the real-world demands they will face.” 

Senior Instructor Lisa Sisk developed the course in 2009; she taught it through the Fall 2014 issue, before handing the reins to Dean Charles Bierbauer for the Spring 2015 issue.

The student-produced magazine has been recognized by the MarCom awards each year since it began entering the competition in 2013.

"It’s valuable for students to see how their work compares with others,” Dean Bierbauer said. “When we score platinum and gold awards, it shows our students compare very well.”

The MarCom competition, sponsored by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, recognizes achievement in the marketing and communications industry. More than 6,000 entries are submitted from individuals and organizations across the globe each year.

The Fall/Winter 2016 InterCom will hit mailboxes in early December.

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