JILL CHAPPELL-FAIL, Senior Information Resource Consultant
Favorite Memory
“There are so many great memories, it’s hard to decide. One particularly sweet moment:
I participated in graduation for my MLIS degree in December 1999. After shaking hands
with Dean Fred Roper and President John Palms, I stepped off the stage at the Carolina
Coliseum, dizzy and overwhelmed by the crowd. My eyes fell on the SLIS faculty dressed in their regalia
and cheering for me at the tops of their lungs. Bolstered by their smiles and spirit, I got back to my seat without tripping over my gown and heels.
Never before had I ever felt so proud to be a Carolinian.”
Future Life Plans
“Pre-COVID, I’d always envisioned spending retirement as one of the little old ladies
on the tour bus. Reality check, post-COVID, I plan to work on my dwelling, travel
when allowed, attend as many concerts and festivals as possible and enjoy the family
and friends I have left.”