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College of Information and Communications

  • InterCom staff

Read InterCom online

Posted July 17, 2020
Top photo: Spring 2020 InterCom Staff. Back, left to right: Katherine Pettit, Caleb Gilbert, Lili Kramer, Reid Howard, Alison Moons. Middle: Carlin Healy, Morgan Morrissey, Philicia Thompson, Saige Schramm, Tori Robert, Jake Mezzanotte. Front: Destiny Stewart, MJ Stephens, Emily Jenkins, Andrea Betancourt, Catherine Jobe, Hannah Bonini.

When campus shut down in March, the InterCom staff was faced with a monumental challenge: adjusting course in the midst of COVID-19. Stories fell through, in-person photos were no longer an option, and the magazine production process was now complicated by the shift to online instruction.

Online is the new normal — at least for the foreseeable future    and that’s why this issue of the CIC’s alumni magazine has gone digital. Our spring InterCom staff explored how the college’s classes, researchers and alumni are persisting through the pandemic. But the biggest story is the grit and determination that made this issue possible. 

Read InterCom on Issuu

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