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Doctoral students win three top paper awards

Posted Aug. 21, 2014

Congratulations to graduate students representing the University of South Carolina at the 2014 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) Annual Conference in Montreal.

Sixteen student-authored or co-authored papers were accepted for presentation and four of our graduate students received top paper awards at the conference. AEJMC is the largest and considered the most prestigious scholarly association for faculty in the fields of journalism and mass communications (

“For a small doctoral program, it is outstanding that we had so many student-authored papers accepted,” said Andrea Tanner, Ph.D., Interim Associate Director for Graduate Studies and Research. “We have excellent students and faculty in our program and it’s an honor for our students to be recognized and awarded for their research at the highest level.”

Award winning Papers:
  • Building Community Through Dialogue at NPR Member Stations, by Joseph Kasko. Top Student Paper in the Community Journalism Interest Group.
  • Dodging the debate and dealing the facts: Using research and community partnerships to promote understanding of the Affordable Care Act, by Andrea Tanner, Otis Owens, Diana Sisson, Vance Kornegay, Caroline Bergeron, Daniela Friedman, Megan Weis,  Lee Patterson and Teresa Windham. Top research paper in the Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division.
  • Our Program Is Truth and Justice, by Christopher Frear  and Katherine Laprad. Moeller Award for best graduate student paper in the Mass Communications Division.
Accepted Student-Authored/Co-Authored Papers:
  • Actual or Perceived?: Comparing Two Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge in the United States and South Korea, by Hwalbin Kim and Robert McKeever, and Jeong-Heon JC Chang
  • Collective Memory of Japanese Colonial Rule, by Hwalbin Kim
  • Communication Strategies of Post-Soviet Civic Activists, by Nino Danelia
  • Elections as Conflict:  Framing Study of the 2012 Parliamentary Elections in Georgia, by Maia Mikashavidze, Nino Danelia and Sei-Hill Kim
  • Emotional and Cognitive Dimensions of Perceived Risk Characteristics, Genre-Specific Media Effects, and Risk Perceptions, by Sang-Hwa Oh, Hye-Jin Paek and Thomas Hove
  • Factors Influencing Risk Perceptions of Science Issues: Comparing College Students in the U.S. and South Korea, by Hwalbin Kim and Robert McKeever and Jeong-Heon JC Chang
  • Framing Gay Marriage in Leading U.S. Newspapers and TV Networks, by Yue Zheng
  • How Fear-Arousing News Messages Affect Risk Perceptions and Intention to Talk about Risk by Hye-Jin Paek, Sang-Hwa Oh and Thomas Hove, Hanyang University
  • Internet and Political Participation in Georgia,  by Nino Danelia
  • Kicking the Tires of First Amendment Theory:  Noncommercial Versus Commercial Falsehood in Supreme Court Opinions, by Carmen Maye
  • Perceptions, Experiences, and News Routines of Entry-level Journalists in Local Television News, by Andrea Tanner, Elena Faria, Jenni Knight and Yue Zheng
  • Reading Peer Sexual Norms:  A Study of Online Fan Fiction, by Wan Chi Leung
  • The Caste of the Cast:  The South Asian “Model Minority” on Broadcast Television Sitcoms, by Jane O’Boyle

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