Faculty |
Baker, Janice |
Legal Writing Instructor |
803-777-7737 |
bakerjm3@law.sc.edu |
Diversity and Inclusion,Faculty (Resident),Administration,Faculty |
Faculty |
Bauries, Scott |
Professor of Law |
803-777-5662 |
sbauries@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Beasley, David |
Distinguished Professor of Practice & Public Service |
803-576-6789 |
dmb23@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty,School of Law,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Black, Derek W. |
Professor of Law |
Carolina Distinguished Professor |
803-777-9652 |
blackdw@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty,Constitutional Law Center |
Faculty |
Boyd, Marie C. |
Professor of Law |
803-777-2851 |
boydmc@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Brackmann, Daniel A. |
Reference Librarian |
803-777-3361 |
brackmad@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Law Library,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Brooks, Meghan |
Assistant Professor of Law |
Veterans Legal Clinic Director |
803-777-8904 |
meghan.brooks@sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Brown, Josie F. |
Professor Emerita of Law |
803-777-6963 |
brownjf@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Brown, Kevin |
Mitchell Willoughby Professor of Law |
803-777-6560 |
kb136@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Brown, Megan |
Acquisitions and Electronic Resources Librarian |
lmbrown@law.sc.edu |
Access Services |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident),Law Library |
Faculty |
Carducci, David |
Legal Writing Instructor |
803-777-7763 |
carduccd@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Chambliss, Elizabeth |
Henry Harman Edens Professor of Law |
Director, NMRS Center on Professionalism |
803-777-9942 |
echambli@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,NMR&S Center on Professionalism,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Cherry, Jaclyn A. |
Professor of Law |
803-777-3394 |
cherryja@law.sc.edu |
Clinics, Clinical Legal Education |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty,Clinics |
Faculty |
Crocker, Thomas P. |
Professor of Law |
N. Heyward Clarkson Professorship |
803-777-4790 |
crocketp@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Cross, Jesse M. |
Professor of Law |
803-777-1412 |
jmcross@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Davis, Tessa R. |
Professor of Law |
803-777-6809 |
davistes@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Eagle, Josh |
Solomon Blatt Professor of Law |
803-777-2486 |
eaglej@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Eichhorn, Lisa A. |
Director of Legal Writing & Professor of Law |
803-576-6776 |
eichhorn@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Fox, Jacqueline R. |
Professor of Law |
803-777-8192 |
foxjr@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Glenn, Aaron |
Reference Librarian |
803-777-4334 |
glennaj2@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty,Law Library |
Faculty |
Glover, Mark |
Professor of Law |
803-777-3704 |
MG142@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Harrison, James Smith, III |
Legal Writing Instructor |
803-777-8189 |
harri539@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Hubbard, William C. |
Dean |
Professor of Law |
803-777-6857 |
whubbard@law.sc.edu |
Deans |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty,Administration |
Faculty |
Jones Havard, Cassandra |
Professor of Law |
803-777-8295 |
cjhavard@sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Jordan, Laura |
Legal Writing Instructor |
803-777-3320 |
lwjordan@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty,School of Law,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Kuo, Susan S. |
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs |
Professor of Law & Class of 1969 Chair for Teaching Excellence |
803-777-3597 |
kuo@law.sc.edu |
Administration,Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Lane-Steele, Laura |
Assistant Professor of Law |
803-777-6860 |
lanestel@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Leventis, Ami |
Legal Writing Instructor |
803-777-5312 |
leventis@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Linnan, David K. |
Associate Professor of Law |
803-777-7740 |
dlinnan@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Staff |
Magner, Katherine |
Access Services Librarian |
803-777-3367 |
magnerm@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty,Law Library,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Martin, Lisa V. |
Professor of Law |
803-777-2490 |
lvmartin@law.sc.edu |
Clinics Clinical Legal Education |
Clinics,Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Maxwell, Rebekah K. |
Associate Director for Library Operations |
803-777-1725 |
rkmaxwel@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Law Library,Faculty |
Faculty |
McWilliams, Martin C., Jr. |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Law |
803-777-5639 |
mcwillmc@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Means, Benjamin |
Professor of Law |
John T. Campbell Chair in Business and Professional Ethics |
803-777-3616 |
meansb@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Medlin, S. Alan |
David W. Robinson Professor of Law |
803-777-7465 |
medlinsa@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Miller, Colin |
Professor of Law & Thomas H. Pope Professorship in Trial Advocacy |
803-777-6654 |
mille933@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Milligan, Amy |
Assistant Director of Legal Writing |
803-777-3386 |
milligal@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Staff |
Nye, Stephanie |
Director of Externships |
803-777-1451 |
nyes@law.sc.edu |
School of Law,Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Osborne, McKenzie |
Legal Writing Instructor |
803-777-7756 |
osbornmk@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Pereira, Cornelius |
Head of Technical Services |
803-777-5898 |
cpereira@law.sc.edu |
Technical Services |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty,Law Library |
Faculty |
Polavarapu, Aparna |
Professor of Law |
803-777-8925 |
aparnap@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Raj, Claire S. |
Professor of Law |
803-777-1391 |
rajc@law.sc.edu |
Clinics Clinical Legal Education |
Clinics,Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Staff |
Ruskell, Alex |
Director of Academic Success |
803-777-8115 |
ruskell@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty,Staff,Academic Success |
Faculty |
Samuels, Joel |
Professor of Law |
Director, Rule of Law Collaborative |
803-777-7161 |
joelsamuels@sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Seiner, Joseph A. |
Oliver Ellsworth Professor of Federal Practice |
803-777-5569 |
seiner@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Sella-Villa, David |
Assistant Professor of Law |
803-777-6743 |
sellavid@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),School of Law,Faculty |
Faculty |
Smith, Bryant Walker |
Associate Professor of Law |
803-777-6880 |
bryantws@newlypossible.org |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Snow, Ned |
Associate Dean for Faculty Development |
Ray Taylor Fair Professor of Law |
803-777-8064 [faculty suite]; 803-576-6786 [Dean's Suite] |
snownt@law.sc.edu |
Deans |
Faculty,Administration,Faculty (Resident) |
Staff |
Stevens, Brett L. |
Academic Success and Bar Preparation Instructor |
Co-Director of Academic Success |
803-576-6058 |
stevensbl@sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty,School of Law |
Faculty |
Stoughton, Seth W. |
Professor of Law |
Professor (Affiliate) of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
803-777-3055 |
swstough@law.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Suski, Emily |
Associate Dean for Clinics and Externships |
Professor of Law |
803-777-7735 |
esuski@law.sc.edu |
Clinics, Clinical Legal Education, externship |
Clinics,Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Toussaint, Etienne C. |
Associate Professor of Law |
803-777-8178 |
ectoussaint@sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Trumbull, Charles |
Assistant Professor of Law |
803-777-7785 |
TRUMBULC@mailbox.sc.edu |
School of Law,Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Virzi, Michael J. |
Legal Writing Instructor |
803-777-7742 |
virzi@sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Wallace, Clinton G. |
Professor of Law |
803-777-6594 |
wallace1@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Wasilczuk, Madalyn K. |
Assistant Professor of Law |
803-777-3393 |
mwasilczuk@sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Clinics,Faculty |
Faculty |
Wilcox, Robert M. |
Dean Emeritus |
Professor of Law |
803-777-6112 |
wilcoxrm@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |
Faculty |
Winston, Emily R. |
Associate Professor of Law |
803-777-6591 |
winstone@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty (Resident),Faculty |
Faculty |
Zug, Marcia A. |
Miles and Ann Loadholt Professor of Family Law |
803-777-3615 |
zug@law.sc.edu |
Faculty,Faculty (Resident) |