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Joseph F. Rice School of Law

Library Policies, Fees & Charges

General Rules

  • Do not bring food into the library.
  • Drinks must be in containers with tops or lids.
  • Do not reshelve the books you have been using. Place them on the carts provided.
  • Keep conversations, including cell phone use, as quiet and as brief as possible.
  • Law Library computers are for research and academic use. The library reserves the right to ask those not engaged in such use to vacate the machines.
  • Copy machines are turned off 15 minutes before the library closes.

Library Policies


Fees & Charges

Service / Incident Fees & Charges
Photocopies $0.15/page
Document delivery
(mail, email, in-person pickup)
$0.50/page, plus a $5.00 handling fee
Lost/damaged library materials $50.00 minimum or actual replacement cost, plus a $25.00 processing fee
Damage to library furnishings & property $100.00, plus the cost of repairs/replacement.

Note: Items borrowed from other institutions may be subject to late fees.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.