Up for debate
USC Rice School of Law students establish the founding chapter of the Lincoln-Douglas Society, a neutral platform for civil discourse on the country's most controversial topics.
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USC Rice School of Law students establish the founding chapter of the Lincoln-Douglas Society, a neutral platform for civil discourse on the country's most controversial topics.
The new 1Ls are part of the largest applicant pool and most selective admissions cycle in the law school's history.
Faculty scholarship, news and impact published in August 2024.
After more than 30 years serving the South Carolina judiciary, alumnus The Honorable John W. Kittredge ascended to the most senior office of the state's highest court.
Faculty scholarship, news and impact published in July 2024.
The inaugural Richard Scott Joye Trial College gave SC criminal defense attorneys a unique opportunity to earn continuing legal education credits through hands-on training without leaving the state.
Alumnus Joe Rice builds strong legal team by nurturing and empowering attorneys.
Faculty scholarship, news, and impact published in June 2024.
After her investiture, Verdin will be the only woman serving on the state Supreme Court, and just the third woman to take the bench in the Court's history.
Externships offer law students real life experience with practicing judges and attorneys.
Professor Jacqueline Fox is researching and comparing national health care expenditures in the English, Australian, U.S. through her ground-breaking Fulbright Global Scholar project.
Claire Raj works on Department of Education project to protect rights of students with disabilities.
Talent, chemistry and preparation form the foundation that makes Mock Trial program one of the country's best.
Faculty scholarship, news, and impact published in May 2024.
Students worked alongside attorneys in Hartsville, SC earlier this month developing their legal skills while providing wills, durable healthcare powers of attorney, and expungements to those who qualify for assistance.
Pappas graduates with a Master of Social Work from USC and her juris doctorate with a Children's Law Concentration from the Joseph F. Rice School of Law.
Commencement exercises were held May 3 in the Horseshoe for the School's Class of 2024.
The USC Joseph F. Rice School of Law hosted students from Hopkins Middle School for a series of programs on legal storytelling and the chance to be part of a courtroom in action.
The Law School recognizes students, faculty and staff who have made outstanding achievements in the 2023-2024 academic year
Faculty scholarship, news, and impact published in April 2024.
The law school's low-income Tax Clinic provides free legal assistance to qualifying taxpayers in disputes against the IRS.
The highest honor given by the law school, these awards recognize alumni nominated by their peers for their professionalism, competency, and integrity.
The multi-disciplinary collaboration provides the first glimpse of data on Orders of Protection at the state and local level throughout South Carolina.
Students observed oral arguments for three cases heard by Chief Judge Albert Diaz, Judge A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr. '89, and Judge William B. Traxler, Jr '73.
Faculty scholarship, news, and impact published in March 2024.