Housing Information
Now that you've been admitted, you need somewhere to live. We're here to help!
Columbia is a wonderful location in a beautiful state, with beaches and mountains
just a short drive away. We have exciting places to visit, amazing food and beautiful
outdoor experiences. While you are looking for places to live, keep a list of what's
around so you can go back and explore.

Location, Location, Location
Because of their close proximity to the School of Law, most of our law students choose
to live in the residential areas of Shandon, Rosewood, Heathwood, West Columbia, Cayce,
University Hill, Earlewood, Forest Acres, Lexington, or in the Vista. There are many
duplexes, houses, condos, lofts, garage apartments, and multi-family units available
in these areas. There are also a few apartment communities and condos within walking
distance of the School of Law.

Timing is everything, so when do I start looking?
You will be emailed your log-in information for the School of Law housing information
after April 1, so any time after that is a good time to be looking and securing housing
for the upcoming academic year. Housing can be found in a variety of ways:

Undergraduate Apartment Communities
With so many undergraduate students in Columbia, there are a number of apartment communities
catering to college-age students. Keep in mind that these communities may be louder
and have a more active social life than many graduate and professional school students
While they may offer extra amenities — pool, shuttle transportation to campus, workout
rooms — many of our students have found them to be not ideally suited to good law
school study habits and class preparation. Some may dedicate a specific area of their
property to graduate or professional-school students, so be sure to ask about that
if you go to visit.