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Joseph F. Rice School of Law


Clinton G. Wallace

Title: Professor of Law
Joseph F. Rice School of Law
Phone: 803-777-6594
Office: 1525 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29208
Resources: CV [pdf]
Clinton G. Wallace


Clint Wallace teaches tax law and tax policy, and he is the founder and faculty director of the Taxpayer Assistance Program, provide services and support to promote economic security among vulnerable taxpayers including through a grant-supported low-income taxpayer clinic and through the Law School’s longstanding volunteer income tax assistance pro bono program. He has published law review articles and other publications (listed below) on various tax policy topics, including tax administration and the design of tax expenditures. He is a co-author of the Third Edition of The Individual Tax Base, a leading income tax casebook published by West Academic. In 2019, he was selected by students at University of South Carolina School of Law as Best Classroom Professor.

Before joining the faculty in 2017, he taught tax law at New York University School of Law as an Visiting Assistant Professor of Tax Law, and he worked as an associate at the law firm Caplin & Drysdale. In practice, he provided advice on various aspects of federal income taxation to individuals, businesses and exempt organizations, with a particular focus on U.S. international tax issues. Previously he served as speechwriter to a U.S. Senator and to the governor of the State of Michigan, and worked on various federal and state political campaigns. He received a LLM in taxation and a JD from New York University School of Law, and an AB from Princeton University’s School of Public and International Affairs.


  • Income Tax (LAWS 633)
  • Corporate Tax (LAWS 636)
  • Tax Regulation Practicum
  • Taxation of Property Transactions
  • Tax Policy (and Democracy) Seminar


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