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College of Education

SC TEACHER releases first how-to guide in a new support series for district and school administrators

SC TEACHER, a research consortium housed in USC’s College of Education, recently released A Guide to District Planning With SC TEACHER Survey Data, assisting district and school leaders in utilizing specific data they receive from SC TEACHER for strategic planning.


What it is:

  • This guide helps district and school administrators better understand how data from SC TEACHER surveys can serve as tools for district strategic planning and school renewal planning.
  • SC TEACHER administers a biannual SC Teacher Working Conditions Survey and an annual SC Teacher Exit Survey to classroom teachers in South Carolina school districts. Administrators in participating districts receive district-specific data from the surveys to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • SC TEACHER will continue the District Support Series with how-to guides focused on school district Cognia accreditation, planning for Title funds, and more.


Why it matters:

Data generated from teachers (like that districts receive from SC TEACHER) can help target the supports eductators need to increase job satisfaction, teacher retention, and student achievement. Tools for applying results to ongoing district work assist administrators in acting on these data.

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