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College of Education

Educational Psychology and Research Program Faculty

Faculty in the Educational Psychology and Research programs have received grant funding from many federal and state agencies including the Institute of Education Sciences, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Justice  and the South Carolina Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education.

Educational Psychology Faculty


Molly Dawes, Ph.D.

Molly Dawes, Ph.D.

Position:  Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Bullying and victimization; physical and social aggression; social goals (e.g., popularity goal); peer social dynamics (e.g., popularity status, peer groups); peer social norms; teacher attunement to aggressors; teacher management of peer social dynamics.

Melissa Duffy, Ph.D.

Melissa Duffy, Ph.D.

Position:  Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Motivation and emotion in learning and performance; self-regulated learning and emotion regulation; learning and instruction in higher education and professional contexts (e.g., medical education); simulation training and immersive learning environments.

Matthew Irvin, Ph.D.

Matthew Irvin, Ph.D.

Position:  Associate Professor

Research Interests: Academic, social, and behavioral development of adolescents from rural communities; students’ risk and resilience; motivation and engagement; learning in online courses; youth with disabilities; peer social dynamics.

Robbie Ross, Ph.D.

Robbie Ross, Ph.D.

Position:  Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Factors that influence the link between cognitive control skills and learning (e.g., peer effects, teaching practices, and children’s self-perceptions of skill); development of early childhood self-regulation skills.

Gregory Trevors, Ph.D.

Gregory Trevors, Ph.D.

Position:  Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Learning about controversial socio-scientific issues (e.g., vaccines); individual characteristics that predict learning success or failure; beliefs, identity, cognitive and emotional processes during learning; how individuals revise misconceptions.

Educational Research

Christine DiStefano, Ph.D.

Christine DiStefano, Ph.D.

Position: Professor

Research Interests: Structural equation modeling; survey design; latent class cluster analysis; application of advanced statistics and measurements methods to issues rated to school psychology.

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Xiaofeng S. Liu, Ph.D.

Position: Professor

Research Interests: Statistical power analysis; hierarchical linear modeling; statistical programming; educational policy studies; applied statistics.

Jin Liu, Ph.D.

Jin Liu, Ph.D.

Position: Clinical Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Ethics issues in assessment; peer assessment in online courses; applied research in public health; psychometric studies for scales measuring young children's behavioral and emotional problems; applied structural equation modeling. 

Michael Seaman, Ph.D.

Michael Seaman, Ph.D.

Position: Associate Professor

Research Interests: Nonparametric statistics for behavioral/ social research, R applications development, statistics education, multiple comparison procedures.

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