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College of Education

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the registration fee?

The conference is free for all COE graduate students!


Is the COE Graduate Research Symposium only for Ph.D. students?

No. Any COE grade student (i.e., Masters, Specialist, Doctorate) who is engaged in research are welcome to submit a proposal.


Can I attend if I am not presenting?

Absolutely! Please come join and support the COE graduate students!


All of my research projects are done in collaboration with a faculty advisor, can I still present, even if this work is with a faculty member?

Yes! You will be the one presenting the work and your ideas in the COE Graduate Research Symposium though. Your faculty collaborator will not be a speaking presenter. They are welcome to attend your session though! Also, make sure your faculty collaborator knows you will be submitting a proposal to the Symposium. 


All of my research projects are done in collaboration with other graduate students. Can I still present, even if this work is with others?

Yes! You can present with your fellow graduate students who are working on the same project. If you plan to present solo, make sure your fellow graduate student colleagues on the project know your plan to participate! 


I’m a grad student not in the COE, but I am collaborating with a graduate student in the COE, can I co-present with them?



What are the different session types?

There are three types: 3-Minute Ignite, Poster, and Idea Incubator. Details about each are found at the top of this document.


I can only attend one of the sessions. Am I still able to submit and attend?

Yes! We would love for you to be there the whole time to learn from and connect with others, but we know that the life of a graduate student is busy! Come for as much as you can. See the answer to “Can I submit more than one proposal?” in this document for more details to consider.


What even is a research poster and how do I make one?

Typically at an education research conference, a poster is a visual display of your research. A poster might have one area that states the research questions, another area that describes (briefly) the methods, another section of the poster will have the findings, etc. Walk through the ground level of Wardlaw for some examples of research posters used at different conferences.

Designing a poster can be done on Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva, or similar software platforms. Sometimes posters are digitally displayed, so you need to have an e-version of your poster ready to upload on the display monitor or your computer. If your poster needs printing, they can be printed on fabric on sites like Spoon Flower ( for under $30. Or you could print at USC printers or FedEx. We will provide more information with poster planning details later.

If you made a poster for a different conference, you can repurpose that poster for this event! 

Suggested Poster Design: 3ft. X 4 ft. portrait 


 Does three-minute ignite actually mean I only have three minutes to tell the audience about my whole research project?



What is needed for the proposal submission?

  • Name
  • Pronouns (optional)
  • Department
  • Program
  • Stage of Research
  • Title of your Presentation / Idea
  • Abstract 
  • 100 words for Idea Incubator Proposal
  • 250 words for 3-minute Ignite and Poster Session Proposals 
  • The time of your classes on Thursdays in the Spring 2025 semester. 
  • Link: 


When is the deadline to submit a proposal?

December 1.


Can I submit more than one proposal?

Yes. You can submit up to 2 (first authored/P.I. projects). If you are a secondary author, that does not count toward your 2 submissions. Note: if you are submitting multiple proposals, you must be available to participate at both Symposium sessions.


Can I volunteer at the event?

We do have a need for some volunteers (e.g., Registration Table, Graduate Student Moderators, Signage, Troubleshooting). Indicate your willingness to do one of these roles on your registration or email Katie Cunningham ( The volunteer work can be included in the “Service” section of your C.V.!


 Will there be food?

There will be some light refreshments.


Who will give us feedback on our presentations and research ideas?

Faculty and staff from across the College of Education’s three departments will provide feedback and ideas for consideration on your presentation and research ideas. Your peers will too!


Can my family/friends come watch my presentation?



Can my dog come watch my presentation?

Maybe. Only service dogs are welcome to join in the Symposium.


Can my participation go on my C.V.?

Yes! Here is one way you could document your participation for each category:


Idea Incubator

Your Name. Title of idea. Research idea presented in the Incubator Idea Session at the College of Education Graduate Research Symposium. University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC.  (Month and year of Symposium).

Three-Minute Ignite

Your Name. Title of Presentation. Presentation in the Three-Minute Ignite Session at the College of Education Graduate Research Symposium. University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. (Month and year of Symposium).


Your Name. Title. Poster Presentation at the College of Education Graduate Research Symposium. University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. (Month and year of Symposium).


Volunteer Role (e.g., moderator). College of Education Graduate Research Symposium. University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. (Month and year of Symposium).


Will there be prizes?

Yes (e.g., Innovative Idea, Effective Poster)! 


The Graduate Research Symposium seems like a cool opportunity, how long has it been happening in the COE?

The Graduate Research Symposium’s inaugural year is 2025! 


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.