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College of Education

  • Teacher seated with high school students leading them in a lesson

Master of Teaching in Secondary Education for Career Changers

Become a teacher and earn your master’s degree in as few as 15 months through the Career Changers Master of Teaching degree program. Whether you graduated with your bachelor’s degree years ago or are just finishing an undergraduate program, this degree can help you reach your goal.

The Program

You will learn teaching methods specific to your content area in your education courses and participate in two major internships in local schools throughout the program. Internship A is a 10-hour per week internship and Internship B is full-time student teaching that will prepare you to step into high school classrooms as an effective teacher.

You will be engaged in education courses and internships with a small cohort of other teacher candidates. The program prepares you to teach national and state standards through engaging and cutting-edge inquiry pedagogy that has been shown to increase student learning.


Prerequisite Content Area Courses

Most applicants who have completed an undergraduate degree in the content area they want to teach (English, science, social studies, or math) will have completed the majority of the prerequisite content area courses. Prerequisites are listed below. A program advisor will review your previous course work to determine if any additional courses are necessary.

You may be able to begin the M.T. program while you are finishing prerequisites. Email for more information about prerequisites.


Prerequisites by Subject

Applicants must complete a major of at least 30 semester hours (or the equivalent of a major) in English with at least one course in each of the following:

  • Literature before 1800
  • Literature from 1800 to today
  • English language and grammar
  • Theory and criticism
  • African American literature
  • Young adult literature
  • Women writers
  • Writing and rhetoric

Additionally, EDSE 547, Teaching Middle and High School English, is required, but may be taken after your admission to the program.

Applicants must complete a major of at least 30 semester hours (or the equivalent of a major) in math. A program advisor will review your previous course work to determine if any additional courses are necessary.

Applicants must complete a major of at least 30 semester hours (or the equivalent of a major) in an area of science. A program advisor will review your previous course work to determine if any additional courses are necessary.

  • 6 hours in United States History (before 1865 and after 1865)
  • 6 hours in Upper Level United States History
  • 6 hours in Upper Level World/International History
  • 3 hours in American Government
  • 3 hours in Economics
  • 3 hours in Geography
  • 3 hours from Psychology, Sociology, or Anthropology


For a full list of admission requirements, visit the application information page.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.