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College of Education

Parent Leadership Partner Program for School Partner Program

What is the Parent Leadership Partner Program?

CFEC’s Parent Leadership Partner (PLP) Program is incorporated as the third pillar of the School Partner program. It is a uniquely designed engagement-focused curriculum that aims to increase and improve parental engagement within our local school communities. The curriculum was designed for use by any parent group, but it is especially tailored for use among parents of students enrolled in Title I schools. In this context, "parents" includes any adult who is serving as the primary caretaker or guardian for a student.

Each of CFEC's school partners will sponsor at least one PLP group during their two year partnership to achieve the following goals: (1) increase parent capacity to advocate for their own children’s educational needs, as well as advocacy for school improvement for all students and (2) increase parent awareness about available tools and resources beneficial to them and their children. In PLP, groups of up to approximately 15 parents increase their knowledge, skills, confidence, and connections in a supportive environment with other parents. PLP sessions are built around 7 research-based modules developed by Yasha Jones Becton, Ed.D. that have been incorporated into a parent workbook and cover topics related to leadership skill development, navigating the education system, and strategies for supporting their children's learning and development.

Participating parents are expected to (1) prepare for each session by reviewing information and exercises in the workbook; (2) attend and actively participate in an orientation and all seven sessions; and (3) develop a small leadership project that they will undertake, either individually or with other participants, to address an education-related need in their school or community. Parents who successfully complete the program participate in a small graduation ceremony to recognize their accomplishments.


Benefits of the Parent Leadership Partner Program

  • Increased numbers of parents in the school community are prepared and eager to partner with their school and advocate for its success.
  • PLP graduates encourage other parents to engage with the school by serving as trusted brokers, modeling effective partnership practices, and exemplifying the benefits of family-school partnerships. 

“This program gave me the right resources, tools, and mindset to dig deeper in school involvement for parents with our children’s education and environment as well as be the voice for the voiceless.”

PLP Graduate

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.