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College of Education

Grievance Committee Procedures

  1. The student bringing the grievance will have the opportunity to present to the committee either in writing or in person any and all evidence pertaining to the grievance.

  2. Those persons who disagree with the claims of the grievance will have a similar opportunity to present.

  3. If evidence is presented in person, the committee will have the opportunity to ask questions for points of clarification.

  4. After the committee has asked questions and clarified the issues, the student bringing the grievance and any other persons not on the committee will be asked to leave the room.

  5. The committee will deliberate on the specific issues of the grievance:

    1. If it is determined that there is no cause for a grievance, the meeting is over and the parties are dismissed.

    2. If it is determined that there is cause for a grievance, the most reasonable and fair solution to all parties will be set forth.

  6. Once a solution is determined, the student bringing the grievance and the other parties involved may be brought back in to hear the committee's resolution. All parties are bound by the committee's decisions unless either chooses to appeal the grievance further.

  7. Committee findings and resolutions will be distributed in writing to all concerned and a copy filed with the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of the College within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.