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College of Education

Advanced Programs Governance Committee

The Advanced Programs Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing policies that affect professional education programs in the Advanced Programs Component of the Professional Education Unit.

The committee receives proposals for deletion, new programs, new courses and changes to the advanced graduate programs from COE departments and administrative personnel. The committee meets monthly or as called by the Chair. The committee makes recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education who reviews them, and in turn, makes recommendations to appropriate University committees and the Provost.

Current Members

Michael Grant Educational and Developmental Science (2017-2019)
Ryan Carlson Educational and Developmental Science (2017-2019)
Spencer Platt
Leadership,  Learning Design and Inquiry (2017-2019)
Cathy Brant Teacher Education (2016-2018)
Julia Lopez-Robertson Teacher Education (2016-2018)
Rob Dedmon Ex-officio  
Adam Pennell Graduate Student (2016-2018)
Kim Tesley Graduate Student (2016-2018)

* Indicates chair of the committee

The APGC is comprised of six people: two elected from the Educational and Developmental Science department, the Leadership,  Learning Design and Inquiry department, and the department of Teacher Education for two year terms (staggered). Two graduate student members also serve on the Advanced Programs Committee. At least one representative from each department must be a tenured faculty member.

Ex-officio: Associate Dean, Academic Affairs or COE Curriculum Director

Committee terms: two years for faculty, one year for students


Meeting Dates

The committee meets on the third week of each month. Please note that new items to be considered during each monthly meeting  are due in the Dean's Office by the 10th of each monthFor items to appear in the following academic year Fall bulletin, they must be submitted to the committee by October 10.


Committee Minutes

For minutes not listed below, please consult the archive [pdf] of past meeting minutes.



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
