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College of Education

Child Care Research Team

The Child Care Research Team at Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center focuses on actionable research that helps policymakers and practitioners in early childhood.

About the Child Care Research Team

The Child Care Research Team (CCRT) at Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center is a multidisciplinary team that utilizes tools from the fields of statistics, data science, education, public policy research and child psychology.

CCRT is funded by the Division of Early Care and Education at South Carolina’s Department of Social Services. The Team conducts statistical analyses, produces research and program reports, and makes recommendations to state policymakers in order to support evidence-based decision-making. Team members also analyze data from other DSS-funded initiatives and work to build programs' capacity to serve their child care partners through research.


South Carolina 2018 Early Childhood Education Workforce Study

Understanding the South Carolina Early Childhood Education (ECE) workforce is essential to understanding the impact of ECE initiatives, policies, and practices on children and child outcomes. Through funding from the Division of Early Care and Education at South Carolina Department of Social Services, the administrator for the federal Child Care Development Fund , SC Endeavors (formerly the South Carolina Center for Child Care Career Development), and the Yvonne & Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at the University of South Carolina conducted a statewide survey of the early care and education workforce.

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