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College of Education

  • The Torchbearer statue

Center for Educational Partnerships

In collaboration with our partners, the Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP) provides high-quality professional learning experiences for educators, families, and communities to expand local capacity and improve teaching and learning in South Carolina’s K-12 schools.

The Center for Educational Partnerships, housed at the University of South Carolina’s College of Education, is a consortium of ten core education programs and initiatives partnering to carry out our mission to connect, elevate,  and position quality K-12 education in South Carolina. 

Our ten core partners are:


Mission and Goals

CEP connects partners to leverage existing resources and launch novel approaches to serve the needs of schools, districts, and communities.


CEP elevates both proven and promising practices from across the state to scale ideas that are working.


CEP positions the work of our partners to create space for authentic collaboration, network support, and statewide results.



The Center for Educational Partnerships was created pursuant to a proviso to the SC General Appropriations Bill of 2013-2014 (H.3710, Proviso 1A.52). In addition to regular leadership meetings to review data and propose operational changes, the center is formally reviewed by the USC College of Education’s Quality Assurance Committee (QCom).  The committee, made up of faculty and administrative representatives from the College of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences, principals and teachers from the public school system, alumni, and the South Carolina Department of Education, is responsible for managing, monitoring, and reviewing assessment plans and data within the College of Education. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.