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College of Education

College of Education introduces new University Induction Coordinator

The College of Education recently hired South Carolina educator and instructional coach, Nicole Skeen, to coordinate a new induction support program for USC graduates. The Carolina Teacher Induction Program (CarolinaTIP) is aimed at increasing teacher retention and success in the classroom by providing three additional years of support to new teachers beyond their degree.

As the new University Induction Coordinator, Skeen will implement and oversee the program which kicks off in August. CarolinaTIP is designed as a collaboration between the College of Education’s teacher preparation programs and South Carolina’s public schools with the purpose of building a bridge between the university and the classroom.

“We know the first three years can be difficult for new teachers. USC wants to support our graduates during the transition from the university to the classroom in hopes of retaining quality teachers throughout South Carolina,” says Skeen. “To do this, CarolinaTIP will help new teachers implement best practices in their own classrooms ranging from behavior management to instructional strategies. We are striving, through this extended support, to increase teacher retention and positively impact student learning.”

During its inaugural year, CarolinaTIP will focus on recent graduates who are teaching at one of the eighteen Professional Development Schools (PDS) in the Midlands area where the College of Education has deep and sustained partnerships. Skeen and additional USC faculty, already embedded at the schools as PDS Liaisons, will work to structure the program based on the needs and feedback of the novice teachers.

“As we shape the program, we plan to expand support beyond our PDS schools to include districts across the state. There are very few induction programs across the country like this one, so we are learning as we go. But, Carolina is committed to preparing and retaining quality educators! As we work collaboratively, beyond the walls of the university, to impact such a noble profession, the true beneficiaries will be the students of South Carolina,” says Skeen.

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