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HRSM new hires, promotions and retirements

Posted on: August 24, 2017
By: Allen Wallace,, 803-777-5667

New faculty and staff hires

Jai Choon Choung — Instructor, Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management

Jai Choon Choung serves as an instructor and front-of-house manager for the McCutchen House in the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. Choung earned his B.S. and M.S. in hotel administration from the William F. Harrah College of Hospitality, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He earned his A.O.S. in culinary art at the Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park, N.Y., and A.S. in hotel administration at Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea. Before joining HRSM, he worked in front-of-house and back-of-house operations in the hotel and restaurant industry, serving from cook helper to general manager. Choung has also served as a visiting professor and certified ServSafe instructor at the Sejong University in Seoul, Korea, the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, China, and the William F. Harrah College of Hospitality, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.   
Choung teaches HRTM 370 - Restaurant Food Production Management.

Kathy Kawon

Kawon (Kathy) Kim — Assistant Professor, Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management

Kawon (Kathy) Kim is a new assistant professor in the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management in the College of HRSM. Prior to coming to USC, Kim served as an instructor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2016-2017). Kim's duties there included teaching food service management and special event management. She has also served as a consultant / project manager with Be My Guest, a restaurant consulting company (2012-2013).

Kim teaches HRTM 344 - Personnel Organization and Supervision.

Erica Lake

Erica J. Lake — Director for Corporate Engagement

Erica J. Lake is the director for corporate engagement, a new position in the College of HRSM. Prior to her work in the college, Lake served more than eight years as the associate director for employer relations in the USC Career Center. She has many years of experience building relationships with employers and helping them to connect with USC students for internships and full-time positions. Lake has managed an online recruiting platform that provides networking opportunities for students to connect with employers through job postings, career fairs, on-campus interviews and specialized networking events.

Drew Martin

Drew G. Martin — Director and Professor,Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management

Drew G. Martin is the new director for the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. Martin earned his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Before joining HRSM, he served as interim dean for the University of Hawaii at Hilo’s College of Business and Economics.

Martin teaches HRTM 450 - Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, HRTM 740 - Service Management in Hospitality, and HRTM 750 - Hospitality Marketing Strategy.

Danny Morrison

Danny Morrison — Professor of Practice, Sport and Entertainment Management

Danny Morrison serves as professor of practice, a new position in the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management at the College of HRSM. Morrison earned his Ph.D. in educational leadership from USC in 2000. Before joining HRSM, he served as president of the Carolina Panthers NFL team.

Morrison teaches SPTE 580 - Business Principles in Sport Management.

DeAnna Risher

DeAnna Risher — Assistant to the Associate Deans and Graduate Program Liaison

DeAnna Risher, who serves as assistant to the associate deans and graduate program liaison, earned her MBA from Webster University. She has more than 20 years of experience in higher education, and 22 years of military service in the U.S. Army Reserves.

Mark Rosenbaum

Mark S. Rosenbaum — Chair, Department of Retailing

Mark S. Rosenbaum serves as the new chair in the Department of Retailing. Rosenbaum earned his MBA from the University of Illinois Chicago; M.A. in interdisciplinary studies / international business from NYU; M.S. in operations management from San Diego State, and Ph.D. from Arizona State.

Rosenbaum teaches courses in international retailing.

Stephen Shapiro

Stephen Shapiro — Associate Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management

Stephen Shapiro is a new associate professor in the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management. Shapiro earned his M.S. in management from the University of Central Florida and his Ph.D. in sport administration from Northern Colorado. He was awarded research fellow for the North American Society for Sport Management (2013) and the Sport Marketing Association (2016).

Shapiro currently teaches SPTE 380 – Sport and Entertainment Marketing. In the spring, he will also be teaching SPTE 440 – SPTE Business and Finance, and SPTE 760 – Principles of Sport and Entertainment Marketing.

Brittany Sims

Brittany Sims — Administrative Coordinator, HRSM Dean's Office

Brittany Sims serves as administrative coordinator in the dean's office. Sims earned her B.A. in sociology from USC Upstate. Before joining HRSM, she served as an administrator for Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP. Prior to that, she was an online admissions enrollment assistant at Columbia College.

Sam Todd

Samuel Todd — Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Diversity and Operations / Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management

Samuel (Sam) Todd is the new associate dean for faculty affairs, diversity and operations, in addition to a professor in the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management. Todd earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in sport management from Florida State University. Prior to joining HRSM, he worked for Georgia Southern University for 14 years.

Todd teaches SPTE 450 - Sales in the Sport and Entertainment Business.

Nick Watanabe

Nicholas M. Watanabe — Assistant Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management

Nicholas M. Watanabe is a new assistant professor in the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management. After earning an M.S. in leisure studies and Ph.D. in recreation, sport and tourism from the University of Illinois, Watanabe served as assistant professor and assistant teaching professor at the University of Missouri.

Watanabe teaches SPTE 440 - Sport and Entertainment Business Finance.

Daniel Williams

Daniel J. Williams — Instructor, Retailing

Daniel J. Williams serves as a new instructor in the Department of Retailing. Williams earned his B.S. and M.S. in accountancy from Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich. Prior to joining HRSM, Williams served on the faculty at Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, W.Va., for 17 years as an accounting professor. There he taught courses in accounting principles, intermediate accounting, income taxes, and auditing.

Williams teaches RETL 261 and 262 - Functional Accounting I and II.

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Cheng (Grace) Yan — Assistant Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management

Cheng (Grace) Yan serves as a new assistant professor in the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management. Yan received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Her recent research focuses on emerging dynamics on the digital realm of sport media by considering the economics of attention.

Yan teaches SPTE 385 - Ethics in Sport and Entertainment Management.

Familiar faces in new places

Marianne Bickle

Marianne Bickle — Director of Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.I.S.) and Online Learning

Marianne Bickle has begun a new position as director of the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.I.S.) Program and Online Learning for HRSM. In addition, Bickle is a full professor and conducts research in the area of online learning, consumer satisfaction and retail sales. Prior to becoming the director for B.A.I.S., Bickle served as interim chair in the Department of Retailing.

David Cardenas

David A. Cárdenas — Associate Dean of Academics

David A. Cárdenas has begun a new position as associate dean of academics for HRSM. Cárdenas is also a research associate in the Richardson Family SmartState Center of Economic Excellence in Tourism and Economic Development and an assistant professor in HRSM’s School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management.

Cárdenas teaches HRTM 280 - Foundations of Tourism and HRSM 301 - Professional Development.

Walter Jackson

Walter Jackson — Production Chef, McCutchen House

Walter Jackson has begun a new full-time role as production chef for the McCutchen House in the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. In this position, Jackson's duties include teaching the management of quantity food production, food preparation, kitchen safety and basic culinary knowledge. A graduate of Johnson & Wales, he is a certified ServSafe instructor and is also certified by the National Restaurant Associate as a foodservice management professional.

Jackson teaches HRTM 270 - Quantity Food Production.

Ercan Turk

Ercan Turk — Director of Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel and Tourism Industry Center

Ercan Turk has begun a new role as director of HRSM’s Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel and Tourism Industry Center, which is dedicated to researching solutions for the travel and tourism industry. He is also a Sloan research professor of tourism with a research and teaching focus on tourism marketing and economics. Prior to taking the director position, Turk served as associate dean for research, grants and graduate programs.

Turk teaches courses in tourism economics, tourism marketing (graduate and undergraduate level), and research methods.

Fond farewells and best wishes

Sallie Boggs

Sallie Boggs — Retailing, retired

Congratulations to Retailing faculty member, Sallie Boggs, on her recent retirement. Boggs began her USC career in 1984 and taught courses in principles of fashion merchandising and visual merchandising.

Thank you for your many years of dedicated service to the college and your students.

Best wishes!

Vickie Smith

Vickie Smith — Assistant to the Associate Deans and Graduate Program Liaison, retired

Congratulations to Vickie Smith on her recent retirement. Smith served as HRSM assistant to the associate deans and graduate program liaison.

Thank you for your many years of dedicated service to the college.

Best wishes!


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