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Staff Council Members, Roles & Committees


The co-chairs of the Staff Council will serve as the primary spokespersons and voice of the staff to College of HRSM Leadership and its committees. The chairs will collaborate in conducting and coordinating Council meetings and communicate news and updates of the Staff Council to HRSM staff. The chairs will collaborate with committee chairs.

Kim Boone headshot

Kim Boone

Director of Special Events
Department of Sport and Entertainment Management
Close-Hipp 762

Best Practices Committee Co-Chairs

In coordination with the Staff Council Co-Chairs, the Best Practices Committee Co-Chairs will be responsible for developing, examining and reviewing Staff Council policies, as well as examining and reviewing current College of HRSM policies, and the development/suggestion of new College policies. Additionally, the co-chairs will be responsible for developing and coordinating professional development opportunities for HRSM staff. Committee Co-Chairs may invite volunteers to assist with accomplishing these endeavors.

Event Committee Co-Chairs

Roxanne Price headshot

Roxanne Price

Alumni Relations Manager / Adjunct Instructor
Office of Alumni and External Relations
Close-Hipp 665


Responsible for recording and distributing minutes of HRSM Staff Council meetings; recording the Council’s accomplishments and events. The Recorder will serve as the custodian of Staff Council records.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
