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College of Education

Faculty and Staff

Yang Wang, Ph.D.

Title: Professor, Language and Literacy
Department: Teacher Education
College of Education
Phone: 803-777-9963
Office: Wardlaw 205
Yang Wang, Ph.D.


Ph.D. in Literacy, University of Missouri
M.Ed. in TESOL, University of Missouri


Yang Wang joined the Language and Literacy faculty at the University of South Carolina in August of 2014. Yang received her Ph.D. in Literacy and M.Ed. in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at the University of Missouri – Columbia. Prior to coming to the U.S., she taught English language and culture at a university in Northeast China.

Selected Publications

Refereed Journal Publications

Wang, Y., Arslan-Ari, I., & Hao, L. (2022). “Strategies are more important than words:” A case study of adult English learners’ disciplinary reading. English for Academic Purposes, 60. DOI:10.1016/j.jeap.2022.101182

 Wang, Y., Guo, W., & Sui, X. (2022). A content analysis of Chinese American contemporary realistic fiction books. The Reading Teacher, 76(2), 159-168. DOI: 10.1002/TRTR.2119

Hao, L., & Wang, Y. (2022). A new way of empowering an English learning family: Virtual Family Miscue Analysis. Multicultural Education29(3-4), 26-33.

 Wang, Y., & Arslan-Ari, I. (2021). “My eyes move dynamically”: Inquiring into Adult English Learners’ Reading Through Retrospective Eye Movement Miscue Analysis Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 65(2), 163-173. DOI:10.1002/jaal.1188

 Du, S., & Wang, Y. (2021). “For fun” or “for study”: Case study of a bilingual speaker’s reading process. South Carolina English Teacher, 2020/2021, 13-18.

Wang, Y. (2020). Adult English learners and the bilingual reading process: Retrospective miscue analysis. Bilingual Research Journal, 43(4), 433-449. DOI:10.1080/15235882.2020.1861125 

Wang, Y. (2020). “It broadens our horizon”: English learners learn through global literature and cultural discussion. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 63(4), 391-400. DOI: 10.1002/jaal.965.

Wang, Y. (2019). Exploring meaningfulness: Perceptions and strategy use of Chinese international graduate students in disciplinary reading. Journal of International Students, 9(2), 661-681. DOI:10.32674/jis.v9i2.641

Wang, Y., & Seale, E. (2019). Helping teachers understand readers better: Using Retrospective Miscue Analysis to engage children in meaningful reading conversations. Multicultural Education, winter, 30-35.

Gilles, C., Wang, Y., Fish, J., & Stegall, J. (2018). “I learned by watching my mentor:” Nurturing teacher leadership within an induction program. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 26(4), 455-475. DOI:10.1080/13611267.2018.1530174.

Wang, Y., & Zheng, Y. (2017). “We help each other”: College EFL students in China explore their reading collaboratively. TESOL Journal, 10 (1), 1-14. DOI:10.1002/tesj.363.

Wang, Y. (2017). A bridge to intercultural understanding: Reading teachers in US and English learners in China read children’s literature books in a global book club. Multicultural Education, 25(1), 46-52. 

Wang, Y., & Gilles, C. (2017). Reading in English and in Chinese: Case study of Retrospective Miscue Analysis with two adult ELs. Reading Horizons, 56(2), 64-92.

Wang, Y., & Liu, C. (2016). Cultivate Mindfulness: A case study of mindful learning in an English as a Foreign Language classroom. The IAFOR Journal of Education, 4(2), 141-155. Retrieved from

Gilles, C., Wang, Y., & Johnson, D. (2016). Drawing on what we do as readers: Discovering and embedding strategies across the disciplines.  Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 59(6), 675-684. DOI:10.1002/jaal.489.

Wang, Y., & Zheng, Y. (2015). Mirror and window: Adult ELLs read multicultural picture books. Worlds of Words Stories: Connections from the Classroom, 4(9). Retrieved from

Zheng, Y., & Wang, Y. (2015). Implications of reading miscue analysis for English as a Foreign Language teaching. China Adult Education, 24, 175-177. 

Wang, Y., & Zheng, Y. (2014). “Drive my mind into thinking”: Using freewriting in an English language learning classroom.  Talking Points, 26(1), 11-18.

Gilles, C., Wang, Y., Smith, J., & Johnson, D. (2013). “I’m no longer just teaching history.”  Professional development for teaching common core standards for literacy in social studies.  Middle School Journal, 44 (3), 34-43. 

Gilles, C., Carrillo, L., Wang, Y., Stegall, J., & Bumgarner, B. (2013). “Working with my mentor is like having a second brain/hands/feet/eyes”: Perceptions of novice teachers. English Journal, 102 (3), 78-86.

Zheng, Y., & Wang, Y. (2013). Case study of a new teaching strategy of English writing in higher education. China Adult Education, 12, 136-139.

Zheng, Y., & Wang, Y. (2013). Explore the factors influencing college EFL students’ writing. Heilongjiang Education: Higher Educational Research and Evaluation, 8, 30-32. 


Edited Book

Bauer, E., Sánchez, L., & Wang, Y., with Vaughn, A. (Co-Editors) (2021). Enhancing bilingual education: A transdisciplinary lens for improving learning in bilingual contexts. Routledge.


Book Chapters

Wang, Y., Sánchez, L., Bauer, E., Guo, W., Hao, L., & Hwang, K. (2023). A new language, a new culture, and a new way of thinking: Examining how parents navigate barriers to support their emerging multilingual learners. In V. Lee & K. Lewis (Eds.), Advancing Culturally Responsive and Socially Just Approaches to Multilingual Family-School Partnerships. Lexington Books.

Wang, Y., & Arslan-Ari, I. (2021). “I want to understand this better”: Exploring an international graduate student’s reading for academic purposes using Eye Movement Miscue Analysis. In P. Liwanag, K. Kim & P. Martens (Eds.), Understanding Literacy Using Eye Movement and Miscue Analysis in a Global World (pp. 143-154). DIO Press.

Wang, Y., Compton-Lilly, C., & Sanchez, L. (2020). Formative Reading Assessments of Running Records and Miscue Analysis: Limits and Possibilities for Literacy Learning. In C. Martin, D. Polly & R. Lambert (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Formative Assessment in Pre-K through Elementary Classrooms (pp. 327-345). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing. DOI:10.4018/978-1-7998-0323-2

Compton-Lilly, C., Wang, Y., & Braden, E. (2020). Honoring manifestations of multilingual readers’ language repertoires. In K. Whitmore & R. Meyer (Eds.), Reclaiming Literacies as Meaning Making: Manifestations of Values, Identities, Relationships, and Knowledge (pp. 83-92). New York, NY: Routledge.

Wang, Y. (2019b). Formal Miscue Analysis. In D. Stephens, J.C. Harste & J.A. Clyde (Eds.), Reading Revealed: What Expert Teachers Do and Why They Do it (pp. 67-72). Scholastic.

Wang, Y. (2019c). Retrospective Miscue Analysis. In D. Stephens, J.C. Harste & J.A. Clyde (Eds.), Reading Revealed: What Expert Teachers Do and Why They Do it (pp. 73-76). Scholastic.

Wang, Y. (2018). It Sharpens My Brain: International Teaching Assistants Develop Communicative Competence. In K. Bista (Ed.), International Student Mobility and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Marketplace (pp. 174-189). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-3451-8.ch012

Davis, B., Gilles, C., McGlamery, S., Shillingstad, S., Cearley-Key, T., Wang, Y., Smith, J., Stegall, J. (2014). Teachers of leaders in school/university induction programs: Fostering leadership through mentoring. In N. Bond (Ed.), The Power of Teacher Leaders (pp.70-81). Kappa Delta Pi & Routledge.

Selected Research Studies

Investigating Bilingual Students’ Reading Strategies in STEM Areas funded by ASPIRE grant, Office of Research, University of South Carolina 

Collaborative Retrospective Miscue Analysis funded by The Center for Expansion of Language and Thinking (CELT)

Selected Awards

Early Career Service Award, College of Education, University of South Carolina, 2019
Faculty Associate of the Year, Preston Residential College, University of South Carolina, 2019
The Reading Hall of Fame Supporting Young Scholars Fellow, International Literacy Association, 2014-2018


EDRD 730 Content Area Reading and Writing
EDRD 750 Curriculum Design
EDRD 796 Teaching Reading and Writing to Speakers of Other Languages.
EDRD 800 Literacy Education
EDRD 842 Windows into the Reading Process

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