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College of Education

Faculty and Staff

Peter Moyi, Ph.D.

Title: Department Chair
Associate Professor
Department: Leadership, Learning Design, and Inquiry
College of Education
Phone: 803-777-1549

Wardlaw 311

Peter Moyi, Ph.D.


Ph.D. in Education Policy with a minor in Demography, Pennsylvania State University
M.A. in Economics, University of Arkansas
B.Ed. in Economics, Kenyatta University


Research Interests/Expertise

School leadership and development, Educational inequality, Comparative and international education

Selected Publications

Johnson, L., Moyi, P. L., & Ylimaki, R. M. (2023). Successful School Leadership in the USA: The Role of Context in Core Leadership Practices. Education Sciences, 13(10), 968.

Cunningham, K. M., Moyi, P. L., & Berry, B. (2023). Organizational Changes’ Impacts on University-District Partnership Development. In Gomez et al (Eds.) Improving America's Schools Together: How District-University Partnerships and Continuous Improvement Can Transform Education, 240.

Gurr, D. and Moyi, P.L. (2022). The International Successful School Principalship Project: reflections and possibilities, Journal of Educational Administration, 60(1), 1-4.

Moyi, P. L., Hardie, S. & Cunningham, K.M.W. (2021). School Development in South
Carolina - Building Leadership Capacity for Evidence-Based School Development in South Carolina Schools. In Ylimaki, R. Brunderman, L. (Eds.) Leadership and School Development in Diverse, Underperforming Contexts: Research-based University-School Partnerships in the U.S., Sweden, Germany and Australia

Moyi, P. L. (2021). Policy contexts and time use of primary school head teachers in Kenya: Evidence from the Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness (SSME) survey. In Lee, M., Pollock, K. & Tulowitzki, P. (Eds.) How School Principals Use their Time: Implications for School Improvement, Administration and Leadership. Routledge, New York, NY

Moyi, P. L. (2020). Out of Classroom Learning: A Brief Look at Kenya’s COVID-19 Education Response Plan. International Studies in Educational Administration, 48(3)

Moyi, P. L., Ylimaki, R., Hardie, S., & Dou, J. (2020). A Bourdieuian Approach to Educational Leadership in Culturally Diverse Schools. In Veenis, J. C., Berry, J. R., Brooks, M., Robertson, S. & Mutohar, A. (Eds.) Multiculturalism and Multilingualism at the Crossroads of School Leadership. Exploring Leadership Theory, Policy, and Practice for Diverse Schools. UCEA Center for the International Study of School Leadership.

Ylimaki, R., Brunderman, L., Moyi, P. L. (2019). Balancing Evidence-Based and Humanistic Education in School Development for Underperforming Arizona and South Carolina Schools. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(3)

Klar, H., Moyi, P., Ylimaki, R., Hardie, S., Andreoli, P. M., Dou, J., Harrington, K., Roper, C. & Buskey, F. C. (2019). Getting off the list: Leadership, learning, and context in two rural, high-needs schools.  Journal of School Leadership, 30(1), 62-68.

Moyi, P. L. (2019) Education for children with disabilities: Will policy changes promote equal access in Kenya? Comparative and International Education / Éducation Comparée et Internationale, 47(2)

Moyi, P. L. (2017) School participation for children with disabilities in Kenya. Research in Comparative and International Education, 12(4).

Moyi, P. L. (2017). Education for children with disabilities in Kenya. What can we learn from national and regional data? FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 4(2)

Mugo, J. B., Moyi, P. L., & Kiminza, O. (2016). The Challenge of Access, Quality and Equity: Education in Kenya, 1963 to 2015. In I. I. Munene & S. Ruto (Eds.), Achieving Education for All: Dilemmas in System-Wide Reforms and Learning Outcomes in Africa. Lexington Books. p.81-105

Selected awards

2013 Early Career Research Award, College of Education, University of South Carolina

2006–2008, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Education and Social Justice, Amherst College, MA

2005–2006, Population Policy Communication Fellowship, Population Reference Bureau

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