College of Education
Faculty and Staff
Ali S. Brian, Ph.D.
Title: | Associate Dean for Research Professor |
Department: | Educational and Developmental Science College of Education |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-3101 |
Office: | Wardlaw 225 |

Ali Brian, Ph.D., CAPE, is the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Education and a Professor in the Department of Educational and Developmental Science. Brian is the Director of the Physical and Developmental Disabilities Research Lab. Brian is the Treasurer for the International Motor Development Research Consortium and the Co-Chair for the Motor Behavior SIG at SHAPE America. In the past, Brian has served as the Vice-President for the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities and as the Chair of SHAPE America's Research Council. Currently, Brian is an Associate Editor for Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES) and Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy journals, and currently serves on the editorial board for RQES and the Journal of Motor Learning and Development.
Ph.D., Kinesiology with concentrations in Motor Development and Adapted Physical Education and a minor in Research Methods, The Ohio State University
Research and Expertise
As an investigator with the Research Center for Child Well-Being, her research focuses upon developing multi-component (physical, psychological, and cognitive) prevention intervention strategies for preschoolers to support positive developmental trajectories for health. Additionally, as the Research Director for the Institute of Movement Studies for Individuals with Visual Impairments, Brian has traveled throughout the world assessing and evaluating the perceived and actual motor competence, physical activity, and health-related fitness levels of individuals with visual impairments to develop targeted intervention strategies. Brian’s research is published in Sports Medicine, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, PLoS ONE, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Journal of Motor Learning and Development, and others. Brian’s research has received funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Duke Endowment.
- Presidential Appreciation Award, National Consortium for Individuals with Disabilities, 2023
- Motor Behavior SIG Distinguished Scholar, SHAPE America, 2023
- G. Lawrence Rarick Research Award, National Consortium for Individuals with Disabilities, 2021
- Early Career Distinguished Scholar Award, North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, 2020
- Corrine Kirshner Research Award, American Federation for the Blind, 2020
- David P. Beaver Adapted Physical Activity Young Scholar Award, National Consortium for Individuals with Disabilities, 2019
- Early Career Research Award, College of Education, USC, 2019
- Breakthrough Star Award, Vice President of Research, USC, 2019
- Honorary Research Fellow, Wales Institute of Physical Literacy, 2019
- Research Director, Institute of Movement Studies for Individuals with Visual Impairments, 2015-present
- Two Thumbs Up Award, Office of Disability Services, USC, 2017
- Research Fellow, SHAPE America, 2017
- Tsukuba University & Japanese Ministry of Education Summer Institute Fellowship Award, 2012 & 2013
- Distinguished Service Award, Ohio State University Sport, Fitness, and Health Program, 2010
- Dan Connelly Outstanding Leadership and Academic Achievement Award, Notre Dame College, 2000
For a complete list of publications please refer to: