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College of Education

Faculty and Staff

Fatih Ari, Ed.D.

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Leadership, Learning Design, and Inquiry
College of Education
Phone: 803-777-2715
Office: Wardlaw 130
Fatih Ari


Ed.D., Instructional Technology, Texas Tech University
M.S., Software Engineering, Texas Tech University
B.S., Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey


Feedback design and presentation, design and development of interactive learning environments, multimedia learning, and educational data mining


Fatih Ari earned his Ed.D. in Instructional Technology with a minor in Management Information Systems from Texas Tech University. He also received a Master's degree in Software Engineering from Texas Tech University. Prior to his career at the University of South Carolina, Ari worked as a Programmer/Analyst at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and taught graduate level courses in the Instructional Technology program at Texas Tech University. Formerly, he worked as a multimedia programmer and developed educational games for elementary and middle school students. While working as an instructional technology specialist, he also designed and delivered various workshops and seminars for faculty in effective technology use in higher education. His research mainly focuses on effective feedback design and presentation, design and development of interactive learning environments, multimedia learning and educational data mining.

Selected Publications

Abaci, S. & Ari, F. (2016). Use of Feedback in Instruction. In K. Cagiltay & Y. Goktas (Eds.), Foundations of Instructional Technology: Theories, Research, and Trends (pp. 271-278). Ankara, Turkey: Pagem.

Inan, F. A., Crooks, S. M., Cheon, J., Ari, F., Flores, R., Kurucay, M., & Paniukov, D. (2015). The reverse modality effect: Examining student learning from interactive computer-based instruction. British Journal of Educational Technology. 46(1), 123-130.

Ari, F., Flores, R., Inan, F., Crooks, S. M., Cheon, J., Paniukov, D., & Kurucay, M. (2014). The effects of verbally redundant information on student learning: An instance of reverse redundancy. Computers & Education. 76, 199-204.

Arslan-Ari, I. & Ari, F. (2014). Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments, Edited by David Jonassen and Susan Land. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 15(2), 57-60.

Inan, F., Ari, F., Flores, R., Arslan-Ari, I. & Zaier, A., (2013). Adaptive online learning systems. In K. Cagiltay & Y. Goktas (Eds.), Foundations of Instructional Technology: Theories, Research, and Trends (pp. 227-236). Ankara, Turkey: Pagem.

Ari, F. (2012). ECT Internship: A Priceless Leadership Experience, Tech Trends, 56(4), 6-7.
Crooks, S., Cheon, J., Inan, F., Ari, F., & Flores, R. (2012). Modality and cueing in multimedia learning: Examining cognitive and perceptual explanations for the modality effect. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 1063-1071.

Flores, R., Ari, F., Inan, F. A., & Arslan-Ari, I. (2012). The impact of adapting content for students with individual differences, Educational Technology & Society, 15(3), 251–261.

Cheon, J., Crooks, S. Inan, F., Flores, R., & Ari, F. (2011). Exploring the instructional conditions for a reverse modality effect in multimedia instruction. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 20(2), 117-133.

Inan, F. A., Flores, R., Ari, F., & Arslan-Ari, I. (2011). Towards individualized online learning: The design and development of an adaptive web based learning environment. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 22(4), 467-489.

Selected Presentations

Inan, F.A. & Ari, F. (2016, October). Exploring student activities and success patterns in Massive Open Online Courses. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Las Vegas, NV.

Inan, F.A., Ning, W., Ari, F., Lin, Z., & Zaier, A. (2016, October). Higher Education Institutions Acquiring Distance Education Content from Commercial Vendors. Paper presented at the Annual convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Las Vegas, NV.

Ari, F., Abaci, S. & Arslan-Ari, I. (2016, April). Effects of E-Learning System Usability on Learner Motivation and Perceived Learning in Online Education. Paper presented at the Annual convention of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington. DC.

Ari, F. & Inan, F. (2013, October). Designing effective computer-based feedback for problem solving practice using segmentation and signaling. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA.

Inan, F., Ari, F., & Flores, R. (2013, October). Evaluation of adaptive learning system to support students’ algebra problem solving skills. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA.

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