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Office of the Provost

Faculty Manuals

The Faculty Manual embodies the essential elements of the employment relationship between the faculty, individually and collectively, and the university. It establishes the terms of employment, the manner of appointment, the procedures and standards for tenure and promotion, the duties of faculty members, and the procedures and standards for termination of employment. It delineates faculty organization and confirms the authority of the faculty to participate in the governance of the university, especially in regard to academic matters.

Faculty Manual Oversight

Policies and procedures relating to faculty may be separately maintained and distributed in the relevant campus-specific faculty manual.

Campus chief academic affairs officers are responsible for ensuring all faculty manuals are kept current and revised to reflect newly approved university policies within six months of approval. After review by the appropriate faculty governance body, draft revisions to a faculty manual should be forwarded to the Office of the Provost. The Office of the Provost will coordinate the final review process in preparation for presentation to the Board of Trustees.  All revisions to the faculty manual must be approved by the president and the USC Board of Trustees.

USC Columbia Faculty Manual

Other Faculty Manuals

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.