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Office of the Provost

Tenure and Promotion

Submitting Your File

The Office of the Provost, in collaboration with the University Committee on Tenure and Promotion (UCTP), has developed an electronic process for the secure submission and review of tenure and promotion files. Colleges and schools will submit files in PDF format via Blackboard, with which many faculty are already acquainted.


Candidates compile their files using a Microsoft Word template, but should convert to PDF for submission via Blackboard. See the File Preparation Guide for templates and instructions.

Unit T&P Chairs

Unit T&P chairs should use Adobe Acrobat to append to the primary file all items received at the unit level (such as teaching summaries, external reviewer letters and ballots). Unit T&P committee members review a file by accessing it through Blackboard. Ballots/vote justifications are submitted in PDF format through a secure “double-envelope” process. The unit T&P chair (and/or assistant) appends votes/justifications to file and submits it to the department chair Blackboard site for review.

Chairs, Deans, and the Provost

Deans, chairs and the provost access and review each file through Blackboard as each is forwarded to them. They will append their own letters as PDF files.


Blackboard Instructions

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.