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Office of the Provost

Pink and orange azalea flowers bloom on the historic horseshoe

Policies and Procedures

Faculty Work Life Policies

The University of South is Carolina promotes an academic culture that is supportive of faculty and their families. Carolina is committed to attracting and retaining the highest-quality faculty to academic disciplines critical to our state, including business, education, engineering, nursing, public health and medicine, as well as to supporting the state’s vibrant history of arts and culture with excellent faculty in the liberal arts. Faculty thrive in an equitable and productive academic environment that supports health and well-being. The faculty work life policies listed below are designed to ensure a workplace culture supportive of faculty as they navigate their personal and family responsibilities. Major life events, such as the birth or adoption of a child, or health issues for faculty members and their families, can have a profound effect on their lives, whether anticipated or unanticipated. These policies are available to foster a flexible and supportive work culture where all faculty can thrive personally and professionally.

In order to provide additional time to demonstrate fully their professional qualifications for tenure, faculty members holding a probationary term of appointment may be granted an extension of the maximum probationary period with no resulting change in employment obligations. Requests for an extension because of birth, adoption of a child or death of a child or spouse will be approved upon submission of appropriate documentation.  Requests for other reasons must be reviewed and approved by the academic dean and the Office of the Provost. Faculty may receive a maximum of three extensions, including extensions related to COVID-19 impacts.  For additional detail, see policy ACAF 1.31 Extension of Faculty Tenure-Track Probationary Period and Scheduled Post-Tenure Review.  To request a tenure-clock extension, submit the Tenure Clock Extension Form along with the requested documentation to the department chair or dean.

In order to provide additional time to demonstrate fully their professional qualifications for reappointment, tenured faculty members may be granted an extension of the post-tenure review with no resulting change in employment obligations.  Requests for an extension because of childbirth, adoption or death of child or spouse will be approved upon submission of appropriate documentation.  Requests for other reasons must be reviewed and approved by the academic dean and the Office of the Provost.  For additional detail, see policy ACAF 1.31 Extension of Faculty Tenure-Track Probationary Period and Scheduled Post-Tenure Review.  To request a post-tenure review extension, submit the Post-Tenure Review Extension Form with the requested documentation to the department chair or dean.

Periodically a faculty member may need relief from some level of academic duties in order to respond to an anticipated or unanticipated personal event or situation.  Policy ACAF 1.60 Modified Duties for Faculty allows a faculty member to request relief from some level of academic duties in order to respond to an anticipated or unanticipated personal event or situation.  To request modified duties, the faculty member should submit the Modified Duties Form to their department chair or dean, along with the requested documentation. The dean of the college or school provides the final approval for modified duties.

The University of South Carolina is committed to recruiting and retaining outstanding faculty and academic personnel on all campuses and in all schools and divisions. Candidates for these positions are often part of dual career couples. A candidate’s final decision to accept or reject an offer of employment is increasingly influenced by the University’s ability to identify appropriate employment for the candidate’s spouse or partner. Policy ACAF 1.61 Faculty Dual Career Accommodation is designed to assist department chairs, program directors, and other administrators attempting to explore a spouse/partner hire. 

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for medical and family reasons. Leave that may extend longer than 12 weeks will be reviewed under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Leave transfer program is available for catastrophic illnesses.  See Time Away From Work and policies HR 1.06 Sick Leave, HR 1.07 Family and Medical Leave, HR 1.09 Other Leave with Pay, HR 1.10 Leave Transfer Policy, and HR 1.12 Leave Without Pay for additional information about these leave options.

Part time is defined as anything less than 37.5 hours per week. Part-time FTE faculty who work at least 20 hours per week are provided full health insurance and state retirement benefits as established by Public Employee Benefits Authority.  Salary will be prorated accordingly and leave accruals will be prorated based on the hours per week. FTE faculty who have 12 month basis earn annual and sick leave. FTE faculty who have less than 12 month basis earn sick leave.   Tenured faculty who change to part-time status must relinquish tenure but are allowed to continue use the faculty title at the time of the transition.  See policies ACAF 1.06 Academic Titles for Faculty and Unclassified Academic Staff Positions, HR 1.03 Annual Leave, and HR 1.06 Sick Leave for additional information.

The University of South Carolina provides reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. These resources will help you understand the process and how to submit requests.

ACAF 1.05: Tenure Progress Review of faculty: Third-Year Review

ACAF 1.06: Academic Titles for Faculty and Unclassified Academic Staff Positions

ACAF 1.31: Extension of Faculty Tenure-Track Probationary Period and Scheduled Post-Tenure Review

ACAF 1.60: Modified Duties Semester for Faculty

ACAF 1.61: Faculty Dual Career Accommodation

USC Columbia Faculty Manual, p. 41

See the Human Resources website for additional information including HR policies.


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