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Office of the Provost

Tenure and Promotion

Tenure Clock & Review Calendars

Review Calendars

Candidates with a tenure-clock start date of August 16 submit files to be reviewed in the fall cycle. Candidates with a tenure-clock start of January 1 submit files to be reviewed in the spring cycle. Candidates applying for the rank of full professor typically submit files in the spring cycle. The calendars below include university-wide deadlines; candidates should contact their unit for additional internal deadlines.


Tenure-Clock Schedules

The following schedules include the ordinary probationary tenure and promotion cycle, as well as extended probationary periods for up to the maximum of three tenure-clock extensions. Please consult the appropriate schedule for the candidate’s rank at time of hire.

Tenure-Clock Schedule for Faculty Hired at the Rank of Assistant Professor [pdf]
Tenure-Clock Schedule for Faculty Hired at the Rank of Associate Professor [pdf]

Please see the university Faculty Work Life Policies webpage for additional information regarding extension of the tenure clock, tenure-progress review, and post-tenure review processes, including the appropriate policies and forms. 


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