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Office of the Provost

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SEC Academic Opportunities

Faculty Achievement Awards

SEC Faculty Achievement Awards recognize the work of world-renowned faculty members with outstanding records in teaching, research and scholarship.

All recipients of the SEC Faculty Achievement Award receive an honorarium from the SEC. The top recipient will be named SEC Professor of the Year, and is honored during the annual SEC awards dinner and recognized in conjunction with the SEC Symposium.  Winners of individual university awards and the overall honoree are announced in May

The Office of the Provost will invite academic deans to nominate an individual from their college for the SECU Faculty Achievement Award.  The Provost will determine the winner and submit the name of the USC recipient to the SEC. To be eligible for the award, a faculty member shall:

  1. Be a teacher/scholar
  2. Have achieved the rank of professor
  3. Have a record of extraordinary teaching
  4. Have an outstanding record of scholarship that is recognized nationally and/or internationally
  5. Not be a past SEC Faculty Achievement award winner

For further information regarding the Faculty Achievement Award, please contact the Office of the Provost at

Past Recipients

2021 Mark Weist Psychology
2020 Gail Barnes Music
2019 Xiaoming Li Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior
2018 Julius Fridriksson Communication Sciences and Disorder
2017 David Shields English
2016 Claudia Benitez-Nelson Marine Science
2015 Marina Lomazov Music
2014 Kenneth Reifsnider Mechanical Engineering
2013 Susan Cutter Geography
2012 Scott Price Music


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