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Office of the Provost

Professional-Track Promotions

University Committee on Professional-Track Faculty

The University Committee on Professional-Track Faculty (UCPTF) is a faculty committee constituted by the Faculty Senate as part of the university’s efforts to more effectively support professional-track faculty in building rewarding careers at the university. The Committee began meeting formally in Fall 2021 and has in hand a number of important charges.  

The UCPTF is responsible for 1) reviewing and approving college, school, and academic policies regarding professional-track faculty; 2) proposing and reviewing university wide policies regarding professional-track faculty; and 3) advising the Faculty Senate and the administration regarding issues related to professional-track faculty. The committee shall consist of seven members: five elected faculty members including a majority of professional-track faculty members, one member elected by the University Committee on Tenure and Promotion, and a representative of the Office of the Provost serving as an ex-officio member (voting) of the committee.  

For a roster of the current committee members, please see the Office of the Faculty Senate’s Committee webpage.

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