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Office of the Provost

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Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics

About Us

The Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics is here to connect our community with information about university data, assessment activities, and the accreditation process.  Our goal is to support the University in its mission to educate the state's diverse citizens through teaching, research, creative activity, and community engagement.

OIRAA Mission Statement

The Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics supports achievement of the University's mission statement by carrying out the following basic responsibilities:

  • Coordinate and monitor compliance activities for institutional accreditation;
  • Provide institutional data and assessment findings for external reporting;
  • Provide institutional data and findings from research and assessment to support institutional planning processes.

Underlying each of these broad responsibilities is the basic philosophy that all OIRAA information should be timely, accurate, and easily accessible. The OIRAA strives to make procedures and reports consistent, and yet also be responsive to changing internal and external demands. Furthermore, the Office and the University are both fundamentally committed to a high degree of integration among planning, assessment, and institutional research in order for the University to maintain excellence in teaching, research, and public service.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.